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Totals 9786 Download Version

Namaz ka tarika Hindi is an Islamic App for Muslim brother and sisters. This app is based on Book "Namaz ka tarika Hindi " written by DawateIslami Fou

3.45 MB

Welcome to the D&D Beyond Mobile App alpha! Errors and crashes are logged during this period, but we appreciate any additional feedback in the D&D Bey

65.99 MB

English to Hausa Dictionary This dictionary provides Hausa meanings of 45,000+ English words. Features - Works offline - Easy to browse and use the di

4.67 MB

It contain all details about it. It is same for Mukhyamantri Yuva Swabhiman Yojna Berojgari bhatta app 2019 Mp unemployment scheme 2019 What is berojg

3.22 MB

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope" ( Jeremiah 29:11

20.59 MB

We are happy to offer Tagalog Bible, Ang Biblia (Filipino Version) for your android devices. Offered side by side with KJV English version,utilizing t

20.66 MB

Urdu Novels Collection. More Novels and Writers are being added gradually. If You like to Add your Favorite Novel / Writer in the list Then Please men

4.74 MB
MangaZone 6.0.8

Manga is the Japanese comics with a story line and style. In Japan people of all ages read it and does not target younger audiences like american comi

17.97 MB

FBReader plugin, replaces default library view. Browse and manage your book collection in a convenient thumbnail view. Adds some additional features:

2.12 MB

Ứng dụng gồm 3 nội dung chính: - Các Giờ Kinh Phụng Vụ. - Các Bài Đọc trong Thánh Lễ. - Tra cứu Kinh Thánh trọn bộ Cựu Ước và Tân Ước. Ứng dụng này và

7.64 MB

Best Paheli in Hindi Paheli in Hindi contains huge collections with their answer in Hindi. Our Hindi "Best Paheli in Hindi" having Number of Paheli in

5.61 MB

TTDic Русско-украинский, Украинско-русский – бесплатный офлайн словарь с легким и функциональным интерфейсом, охватывающим более 390.000 слов Характер

56.35 MB

Оффлайн русско-немецкий разговорник для туристов и для любителей немецкого языка. Приложения работают без подключения интернета. Для удобства пользова

9.39 MB

Русский – бесплатный офлайн Медицинская Энциклопедия (медицинский словарь) с легким и функциональным интерфейсом, охватывающим более 60.000 слов Харак

40.3 MB

TTDic - Русско-турецкий и турецко-русский бесплатный офлайн словарь с легким и функциональным интерфейсом. Русско-турецкий и турецко-русский – бесплат

22.53 MB

TTdic Russian to Turkmen & Turkmen to Russian is a free offline dictionary (vocabulary) with easy and functional user interface, covers over 165.000 w

31.59 MB

This book is Very useful for Railway ALP Technician, Group-D, RPF, SSC ,Bank-PO and other competitive exams because current affairs and GK are also es

41.1 MB

SCUG™ is a How-To-Guide on anything you need to know on various law and legal subject matters in a simplified manner that also lists local resources n

2.84 MB

New Version ; V.10.1.9 +Pengembangan aplikasi +Perapihan menu dalam kategori materi +Pembenaran kesalahan pada Doa Nabi & Rosul +Penambahan Istighosah

47.48 MB

TTdic Russian to English & English to Russian is a free offline dictionary (vocabulary) with easy and functional user interface, covers over 177.000 w

45.65 MB