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Totals 9786 Download Version

Ao todo são 581 hinos do cantor cristão cifrado e com áudio, que é o hinário usado pela igreja batista. O melhor aplicativo do cantor cristão com part

9.94 MB
SDA Hymnal 0.2.24

This sda hymnal with music is totally free and you can download the music to listen offline from anywhere. The best hymns from the Seventh-day Adventi

8.13 MB

Fan made app for Top Songs Lyric 2019 Free App, Easily Navigate, Required Internet Connection to Stream the song. Latest Songs include : Versace on Th

11.69 MB

Updated Version is amazing. Holy Bible, New King James Version, NKJV is growing in popularity owing to its simple and easy to understand English. Get

3.78 MB

Quran Bangla (বাংলা) - Read the Quran in bangla language (bengali). - (NEW) Color tajweed to help the reading and reciting of the Holy Quran! (only fi

10.71 MB

تطبيق حلول خاص بحل المناهج الدراسية في المملكة العربية السعودية لكل المواد. تطبيق حلول للمناهج الدراسية جميع حلول الكتب بين يديك لن تحتاج الى البحث عن

49.93 MB

This is a Dual Dictionary. - English to Oriya Dictionary - English to Hindi Dictionary This dictionary provides meanings of English words in Oriya and

7.65 MB

কুরআন শরীফ অথবা কুরআন শরীফ (আরবি ভাষায়: القرآن‎ আল কুরআন) ইসলাম ধর্মের পবিত্র ধর্মগ্রন্থ। ইসলামী ইতিহাস অনুসারে দীর্ঘ তেইশ বছর ধরে খণ্ড খণ্ড অংশে এটি

4.92 MB

বেসরকারী শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন ব্যাংক নিয়ে তৈরি করা হয়েছে আমাদের এই অ্যাপটি। শিক্ষক হল একটি জাতির পথ পদর্শক। শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন গাইড থেকে আমরা এই

4.73 MB

Словарь Синонимов Русского Языка – бесплатный офлайн словарь с легким и функциональным интерфейсом, охватывающим более 370.000 слов. Характеристика: •

71.39 MB

Программа представляет собой сборник стихов и песен Виктора Цоя (Viktor Tsoi) . Этот сборник содержит 8 альбомов и 122 стихов. • 45 (Сорок пять) • 46

9.08 MB

縦組み/横組み対応のテキスト・画像ビューワー「MHE Novel Viewer」 の広告有りの無料版です。 お気に召しましたらご購入検討お願いいたします。 ~特徴~ ・青空文庫のサーバーから手軽に作品をダウンロードして閲覧可能です。 ・青空文庫形式のルビと、挿絵など多くの入力者注に対応しています。

3.61 MB

Bu uygulama ile okumak istediğiniz kitaplar hakkında fikir sahibi olabilir, daha önce okumuş olduğunuz kitapları puanlama ve yorumlama imkanı bulabili

8.21 MB

Penerjemah semua bahasa terlengkap di android dapat menerjemahkan 103 bahasa disertai text to speech (pengucapan kata) dan cara membaca. Fitur: - GRAT

3.34 MB
MDict 2.1.11

MDict is a multi-platform (IOS/Android/Windows Mobile/PC) dictionary. It doesn't have built-in dictionary data, but it's a open platform that you can

13.95 MB

Muhammad al- Buxoriy tomonidan to‘plangan eng ishonarli hadislar to‘plami o‘zbek tilida (lotin va kiril alifbosida) Ushbu kitob buyuk Vatandoshimiz Im

7.39 MB

& This app is support english partially & 1. DB Dic - You can open DB about T-Doll, Equipment, Fairy, Enemy and more...... - T-Doll, Fairy illust can

59.42 MB

READ the chat stories that everyone is becoming “addicted to” and people “can’t stop reading”. Snoop on thrilling conversations as they unfold before

20.71 MB

Koreys Tili O`quv Qo`llanmasi hurmatli Koreys tili ishqibozlariga yana bir foydali manbaa bo`ladi. Marhamat o`qing o`rganing. Omad

14.38 MB
Lithium 0.21.1

Lithium is an EPUB reader built on simplicity.• Automatic book detection• Highlighting & notes• Night & sepia themes• Switch between pages and scrolli

6.69 MB