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تطبيق الكتاب المقدس كامل بدون انترنت العهد القديم و العهد الجديد ويحتوي التطبيق علي امكانيات للقرائة: - تكبير وتصغير الخط حسب احتياج القارىء - مشاركة

9.54 MB

Bible Dictionary Offline Provides Reference and Definition to Many Biblical Words. Bible Dictionary Offline Features : • This app works offline – you

5.67 MB

Synonyme Dictionnaire Hors ligne Caractéristiques: • Cette application fonctionne hors ligne - vous n'avez pas besoin d'une connexion Internet. Parfai

6.05 MB
Perfect Viewer

Perfect Viewer is a very fast image/comic viewer. *Turn black/white image into 4 colorize image(Only available for donated users. Need install Perfect

13 MB

OKADABOOKS...Join thousands who have hopped on the okadabooks ride...the fast, simple and fun way to read books without ever leaving your couch! Insta

22.06 MB

намазды оной уйронуу аудио окуп беруусу менен Намаз китеп, кыргызча. окуунун Мазмуну Даарат тууралуу Даарат алуу Намаз тууралуу Багымдаттын сүннөтү су

6.74 MB

Với ứng dụng Truyện Convert của website truyencv.com các bạn sẽ được thỏa thích đọc mọi bộ truyện với tốc độ nhanh nhất, truyện luôn được cập nhật mới

9.59 MB

Aplikasi Ini Berisi Lebih dari 250 Teks Sholawatan yg sering kita dengar, di permudah dengan pencarian.. 1. Busro Lana 2. Da'uni 3. Assalamualaik 4. M

3.53 MB

Nabi Muhammad SAW sendiri mengagungkan hari kelahirannya dengan puasa, sebagaimana hadis, “Dari Abu Qatadah ra., sesungguhnya Rasulullah SAW telah dit

3.23 MB

Aplikasi Ini berisi Kumpulan Doa doa Mustajab Referensi dari Al Qur'an dan Hadits Terbagi Menjadi 18 Kategori Doa. - Doa Anak Soleh - Doa Mudah Rejeki

21.73 MB
Holidays Calendar (RF)

Your Calendar - Russian official holidays Calendar. Current version contains data obout 5-(2010-2019) and 6-days(2012-2019) working week. It shows inf

3.46 MB

Ushbu Ruscha-O'zbekcha va O'zbekcha-Ruscha lug'at rus tili yoki o'zbek tilini o'rganuvchi yoshlar, o'quvchilar, talabalar uchun ishlab chiqilgan bo'li

9.26 MB

Inkspired (getinkspired.com) is a platform for readers and writers to discover, write and publish creative stories and book series. Our Inkspired Read

12.34 MB
Bible&Hymn 26.5

Read the Multi Language Bible on your Android phone! Includes both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Also featuring offline content, so that yo

16.07 MB

Bhagavad Gita Hindi: App Features: 1.Daily Horoscope Hindi(आज का राशिफल) 2. Daily Notification (आज का विचार) 3. Daily Notification History(नोटिफ़िकेशन

46.38 MB

AozoraBunko Viewer (unofficial)official site : http://www.aozora.gr.jp/

27.84 MB
Al Quran 5.2

Al quran is the top best new free app which you can search by Kuran, qoran, quraan, coran, quran one, tafsir quran mp3, quean, muslim, quaran. Complet

15.99 MB

Aplikasi 1100 Kata Mutiara adalah kumpulan kata-kata mutiara pilihan terbaik yang diambil dari berbagai sumber. Kata-kata mutiara paling lengkap mulai

7.11 MB

Oodles has Free English classics and English audiobooks. Oodles is an easy to use application to read or listen to english classics or hindi books and

11.31 MB
Tafsiri Hilol 1.9.84

"Hilol Nashr" publishing house presenting the elecrtronic version of the "Tafsir Hilal". "Tafsir Hilal" - is fundamental work of the venerable Sheikh

33.57 MB