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Totals 11950 Download Version
BetaCross 2.7

Ce simulateur va être mis à jours très très souvent, pour que ce simulateur soit au final un vraie jeu de motocross This simulator will be updated v

55.05 MB

Listen to cat's sounds with this simple application. Use it to attract or annoy your cat or dog.

19.47 MB

◆◆おかげさまで、140万ダウンロード突破!◆◆ 「簡単操作」で「まったり遊べる」! スリルと冒険の「爽快アクション」王道ファンタジーRPG! それが「ブレイブファンタジア」です! ◆ストーリー◆◆◆◆ あらゆるものに取り付き「命の光」を奪ってゆく「闇」 妖精「セドナ」とともに、この脅威から 世界を

100.79 MB

The application simulates a treadmill like one in a gym, but for fingers, calculates how much you ran, how many calories you burned and an average spe

2.89 MB

La raqueta mata mosquitos es una app que simula una raqueta eléctrica diseñada para exterminar mosquitos, agita tu celular y escucharás como los mosqu

13.4 MB

Welcome to the world of Idle City Tycoon. Your chance to gain a fortune! Have you always dreamed of ruling a whole city? Being an unbelievable rich ma

64.14 MB

Eid ul Adha is ahead an Islamic festival all over the world in this Holy festival muslim people buy cows, buffalos, goats, sheep and camels for slaugh

74.38 MB

아름다운 피아노음악과 함께하는 클리커/방치형게임 세계수키우기!1. 독보적인 그래픽 - 어디에서도 볼 수 없었던 아름다운 하얀색 실루엣과 몽환적이고 평온한 다수의 배경화면까지! 보는것만으로도 마음이 차분해지고 잡념을 떨쳐내실 수 있습니다.2. 마음을 진정시키는 감성적이고

91.73 MB
Milky Baby 3.51.1

Milky Baby is a babysitting, costume dress up and nursery game for people who love to take care of little babies. Adopt and feed a cute little baby! F

101.27 MB

It's a DIFFICULT game that tests your artisitc abilities. So don't be upset when you can't beat a level. It's normal. The most people can't. At each l

11.96 MB
Stun gun 1.41

Real stun gun in your phone! Good joke for your friends. This app only simulates a work of a stun gun and does not really injures. You can enable and

6.13 MB

Cats lose their heads when they see the laser. You can play with them using this simple application! Turn on automatic mode or use two devices: one fo

4.33 MB

An amazing luxurious limo car driving simulation of 2019 is here for you where your extreme car driving and parking skills are under heavy test. Do yo

59.22 MB

Join the World of Fishers and become a professional fisher! You will compete in fishing with other players. Start with gudgeon and perch fishing in th

97.33 MB

FsRadioPanel allows you to connect your Android device with MS flight simulator (FS2004/FSX/FSX-SE/Prepar3D). · Include the following devices: · - RAD

13.11 MB

DISCLAIMER : The app is an unofficial version, not related to any copyrighted material This is not a real call it's just a tradition! The app does not

15.41 MB

All princess games are very interesting for girls, because they want to make their doll to look like a royal princess . Today we bring you one of the

16.42 MB

We decide to offer a different kind of cooking pizza games for all those girls that want to be like their mom and wants to play cooking games. It's ca

16.03 MB

High School Bus Driving. Back to work after the winter holidays, hop on the coach and get your concentration back. This driving bus school games for h

70.7 MB
Mouse 2.9

A mouse that runs in your phone and eats cheese. This is an excellent game for your cat!

9.27 MB