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At the end, a great surprise is waiting for you. Visit us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MyDragonX/ Dragons are legendary creatures. Each has a

53.21 MB

From the creators of the highly successful Friends Forever Stories, Decisions - Choose Your Interactive Stories 2018 is a new visually immersive game

89.3 MB

Things just goat serious. The Goat Commando you have been asking for. Your goat has just woken up to find itself in a post apocalyptic world filled wi

40.96 MB

■■■게임 특징■■■ ▶ 당신을 지켜주는 매력적인 차일드! : 차일드와 함께 마왕의 길에 도전하세요! : 매력적인 차일드가 후보생님의 마왕 도전에 함께합니다. ▶ 당신의 감성을 자극할 단 하나의 스토리! : Live 2D로 살아 숨쉬는 다양한 차일드, 그리고 차일드에

57.93 MB

참여만 해도 레어급 아이템을 주는 게임 사전등록! 겜셔틀, 게임 사전등록 알아서 해드려요~! 가입만으로 국내 모든 사전등록 게임들에 자동으로 응모!! 넘쳐나는 신작게임들속에 어떤 게임이 오픈되는지 찾아보기도 힘들고, 일일이 전화번호를 입력하기도 귀찮습니다. 괜찮은 게임

22.52 MB

Car Simulator Lambo Veneno is a real physics engine racing game and simulator (+ multiplayer). This luxury supercar driving simulator ensures realisti

89.6 MB

It's time to play best jeep driving game in offroad from one place to another like hill station. Enjoy the jeep driving in water and mud with best jee

24.26 MB

The most addictive physics based Real Stunt Master Games 2018 Stunt Bike Racing Game Tricks Master is easy to pick up but hard to master which will ke

19.66 MB

◆200万ダウンロード突破!◆ 豪華声優陣が出演!イケメンアイドル育成ゲーム「あんスタ!」 アイドル養成学校の男子高校生と共にトップアイドルを目指す 女性向けアイドル育成ゲーム『あんさんぶるスターズ!』。 イケメンアイドルを自分好みにプロデュース!? 39人の個性溢れる魅力的なアイドル達から、最高の

80.87 MB

◆◇◆鎖鏈戰記3 全新登場!◆◇◆ ◆◇◆◇日本超過300萬人次下載!超人氣RPG全新登場!◇◆◇◆ ◆SEGA的王道本格RPG新鉅獻!◆ 義勇軍的傳說 觸動全新的冒險啟程 ◆五位主人公交織的新世界!◆ 五位主人公獨立冒險故事相互交織出全新的世界! ◆命運與羈絆交織的冒險物語!◆ 各個夥伴們的故事相

56.92 MB

Another school simulation game that will be held outside the school! The mission is also focused on actions. You can make a survivalful shooting game

88.05 MB

■■■■■ Resurrection of the warrior family ■■■■■ A sequel to Infinity Dungeon that was popular with its unique and cute design and simple gameplay. Let'

28.99 MB

What could family do together, adults as well as children? Of course they could play together our useful educational games with an exciting interestin

87.58 MB

創新概念《人生模擬》遊戲! 台灣獨立團隊最新力作 開啟人生經營的全新篇章,讓你的每一世代邁向更宏偉的人生巔峰! ▶ 規劃專屬人生路線 - 獨特的生涯路線規劃模式,讓你透過人生道路一步步拓展自己的生涯版圖 - 有效運用人生資源,是成為路邊混混或是一國之尊,全看你在人生十字路口的每一個抉擇 ▶ 培養獨特

67.21 MB

เก็บเลเวลสนุก ไปกับอสุรา ออนไลน์ เกม 2D MMORPG ล่าบอส ตีมอนสเตอร์ ที่รับประกันได้ว่า "สุด" ที่สุดในเวลานี้ **เพิ่มกิจกรรมวันเด็กลุ้นแรร์ไอเทมมากมาย**

6.35 MB

Mech battle simulator. Dynamic ocmbat and non-stop action. Cool features and devastating weaponry. Solid metal robots are at your service. Get yoursel

96.38 MB

▣▣▣▣▣ Game Introduction ▣▣▣▣▣ Variety of Game modes, with variety of strategy! Hero-collecting RPG! Fantasy War Tactics R! ▶ Scenario Mode ◀ Become a

92.95 MB
Eco Farm 1.0.345

Grow fresh vegetables, launch and develop production lines in your factories, increase your transportation capabilities, build schools, hospitals, sho

97.79 MB

Do you like idle games, management games or incremental games, but most of them are too shallow for you? Then try Crafting Idle Clicker!Build, invest

43.14 MB
創世破曉 3.58.1

2016年度3D魔幻鉅作 穿越中世紀夢想國度 展開最奇妙的魔幻MMOARPG之旅~ 居住在戒指中強大戒靈啊 請賜予冒險者足以抗衡邪惡的力量吧! 《創世破曉》官方粉絲團:www.facebook.com/gm99.ringtw ★人族和精靈共存的假想中世紀 城府極深的人族、高傲自信的精靈、癡迷財富的矮

73.98 MB