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Totals 11950 Download Version

Play the most realistic simulator of driving of the legendary ZIL 130 truck! Feel all power of the Soviet truck and pass a way from the ordinary begin

92.58 MB

Take the helicopter flight and find the people in need for help and rescue to become the top helicopter rescue pilot. Reach to the hangar and select y

40.02 MB
Ironheart 1.4

33% off until March 5th! Pilot and customize a giant iron war mech in this alternate medieval history! In 1182 AD, the Papacy, the Caliphate, and the

4.74 MB
Candle 2.0

This simple app simulates real candle. Use it to get light!

6.01 MB
Lighter 2.0

Use lighter to get fire or light! This simple app contains seven different colored lighters.

4.2 MB

Extreme Motorbike Jump 3D is a real physics motor engine game. If you like Simulator Games and Motorbike Driving, try it for FREE. Reach the top of th

89.15 MB

Dive in this NEW exciting game with a cute little newborn baby to grow up. To make this possible, your warm care will be needed all the time. A baby w

72.35 MB

黑桃大師是全球首款德州撲克個性化培訓AI。利用德州撲克頂尖高手+大數據專家結合的方式,創造了全新的德州撲克學習方式,和極致的學習體驗。黑桃大師是目前中國最大的德撲培訓機構,10萬學員見證學習效果。 黑桃大師,妳的智能德州撲克私教! 黑桃大師通過智能測評技術和大數據分析,通過10手牌,評估妳的真實德州

15.25 MB

Time has come to protect the city from the evil powers of goons. Shaktimaan, India’s first super hero has arrived to protect the world from all sorts

64.75 MB

Received Google Play's "Best of 2017" game award for creativity in Japan. Embark on a journey beyond time and space. To save our lost future. Before t

90.79 MB
솔리더스 1.446

상공 60km. 성층권에서 새로운 삶을 시작한 인류의 생존기, 솔리더스입니다. ■ 미려한 일러스트, 그대로 살아 숨쉬는 요원들 ■ 프로 작가의 손을 거친 깊이 있는 이야기를 직접 느껴보세요. ■ 개성 넘치는 캐릭터들로, 입맛에 맞는 파티를! 캐릭터의 독특한 스킬을 조합

52.28 MB

Here is the Beach Restaurant Master Chef game where you can cook, serve and earn a place where the kitchen on beach never closes and the waiters and c

50.5 MB

Does not measure time, just a thing to play with. The phone movement, gravity etc affect the balls in hourglass. Turn the phone around to turn the hou

72.94 MB

☆신규+복귀 감사 이벤트☆ 4월10일~종료 고지일까지 루시드 어드벤처 랭킹 1위 열렙전사 1렙이 되다!? 열렙전사를 도와 루시드 어드벤처 랭킹 1위를 탈환하세요! 신박한 컨셉, 탄탄한 스토리, 매력적인 캐릭터! 갓툰으로 인정받는 네이버 일요웹툰 열렙전사가 드디어 게임으

98.56 MB

★Re-imagination of SRPG in real-time action Mystery of fortune is the 6th episode of Fortune Chronicle Episodes. You can choose characters from the SR

88.74 MB

Aircraft Carrier Simulator 3D gives you a perfect chance to feel like an experienced airplane pilot in the infinite flight. In this go plane simulator

94.64 MB

「御城プロジェクト:RE(城プロ:RE)」は、迫りくる敵(兜)から本陣を守り抜く、美少女たちが織りなす御城×育成×タワーディフェンスRPG。 個性豊かな美少女たちの強化や育成、タワーディフェンスRPGならではの戦略的なゲーム性など、多彩なジャンルを融合した本格ゲーム! ■ゲームストーリー 時は戦国時

18.24 MB

Chosen by 10 million MMORPG players worldwide.Iruna Online Experience full-fledged RPG with over160 tales and extensive stories with Iruna Online.    

24.62 MB

Roguelike game. Defeat the Devil on the 200th floor. - About 'Purchase full version' When you touch 'Purchase full version' button on title screen. yo

33.22 MB

みんなキテキテ=三=三=三=三(*・▽・)ノ⁾⁾ 白猫とおいしいパン作り♪ ▽▼▽▼簡単なのに超本格的だよ!! ▼▽▼▽ ・アバターの動きが全然ちがう! ・ケーキやパンのクオリティが半端ない!! ・作って、コレクションして、ミニミニゲームとか 三択クイズみたいなのもあって飽きない楽しさ満載‼ ●○●

69.41 MB