TCT - TV That Inspires 8.000.1 [free]


Watch award-winning exclusive programming, live broadcasts from across the country, top praise and worship music programs, the most requested ministry
programs, and much more. TCT offers exclusive programming that is relevant for today's generations, addressing topics and issues that affect our everyday lives. Engaging
the whole family with an array of fresh and relevant program choices, TCT viewers enjoy the best in faith and family television!
Access ALL of the TCT Television Network live streams, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from anywhere. Also keep up with your favorite TCT programs like TCT Today, Julie
& Friends, Faith in History with Bill Federer, Ancient Jewish Wisdom with Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Dorinda, I’m Just Sayin’, and more found in the extensive selection of On
Demand content.
Channel Lineup:
TCT - channel continues to air a variety of popular programs which are produced locally, nationally, and internationally. This inspirational lineup includes national and
international teaching, music, main stream ministries, church services and wholesome entertainment programs and movies from around the world.
TCT HD - TCT HD is separately programmed and broadcasts programs from across the TCT Network. Over 70% of the programs are exclusive to TCT and are not available on other
inspirational networks.
TCT Kids - TCT Kids offers viewers a family-friendly lineup with programs specifically geared to children, youth, and family. Programs include beloved television favorites
such as “Bonanza”, “Ozzie & Harriet”, and “I Love Lucy”. Viewers of all ages will enjoy these timeless, family classics.

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