RentCheck is an inspection app that works closely with landlords and renters to ensure transparency of the rental process. We're a third party platform so we
don't pick sides. Our goal is to help landlords avoid unexpected costly maintenance repairs and prevent renters from losing out on unjust security deposit deductions. In
other words, we want to provide you with an experience that makes the move-in and move-out inspection process as simple as it should be.
We'll walk you step by step through your inspection, one time-stamped image at a time, so that you don't miss anything. We'll point out commonly missed areas during
inspections and allow you to make notes for your landlord or renter to refer back to. Of course, all your completed inspections are always securely stored, backed up and
readily available when you need them.
don't pick sides. Our goal is to help landlords avoid unexpected costly maintenance repairs and prevent renters from losing out on unjust security deposit deductions. In
other words, we want to provide you with an experience that makes the move-in and move-out inspection process as simple as it should be.
We'll walk you step by step through your inspection, one time-stamped image at a time, so that you don't miss anything. We'll point out commonly missed areas during
inspections and allow you to make notes for your landlord or renter to refer back to. Of course, all your completed inspections are always securely stored, backed up and
readily available when you need them.
Old Versions
- 11/06/2022: RentCheck 6.30.0
- 11/04/2022: RentCheck 6.28.7
- 05/18/2022: RentCheck 6.24.0
- Report a new version
- App Name: RentCheck
- Category: Productivity
- App Code:
- Version: 6.30.0
- Requirement: 5.0 or higher
- File Size : 20.04 MB
- Updated: 2022-11-06