iPos 4 Mobile 1.9.4 [free]


Untuk dapat menggunakan aplikasi ini, anda harus menginstall, mengkonfigurasi, dan memiliki license iPos 4 Server. Download trial nya di
Server: demo.ipos4mobile.com, Database: demo, User: admin, Password: admin
Periode Transaksi: Maret 2015 – April 2015
Push Notification:
Dapatkan notifikasi langsung dari aplikasi iPos 4 Mobile secara ‘real-time’ saat ada penjualan baru tercatat di aplikasi iPos 4. Cocok digunakan oleh pemilik bisnis yang
lebih sering diluar kantor.
Informasi Stok
Pengguna bisa melihat jumlah stok produk yang tercatat di sistem dengan mudah. Stok ditampilkan per lokasi. Harga jual ditampilkan sesuai dengan opsi harga yang
Mobile Sales Order
Lengkapi tim Sales anda dengan aplikasi ini di smartphone, untuk mempercepat pencatatan pesanan penjualan (Sales Order). Sales Order dapat langsung diproses dari mana saja
dan kapan saja.
Penjualan Kasir / Umum
Input penjualan dengan cepat langsung dari smartphone dari mana saja. Print Struk atau Faktur Penjualan hanya dengan 1 klik.
Simple Design
Didesain dengan tampilan yang modern dan mudah dipahami. Dilengkapi dengan pilihan themes menarik
Fitur Lengkap:
- Mode offline untuk data Item & Penjualan
- Entry transaksi Pembelian
- Entry transaksi Pesanan Jual
- Entry transaksi Penjualan Kasir & Umum [apps: iPos 4 Sales]
- Print transaksi Penjualan Kasir (Printer Kasir & Printer Back Office) [apps: iPos 4 Sales]
- Entry transaksi Pembayaran Piutang & Hutang
- Entry transaksi Kas Masuk / Keluar / Transfer
- Stok opname
- Cloud Access Mode (untuk pengguna yang tidak memiliki koneksi dengan IP Publik)
- Dashboard trend penjualan, top kategori, dan piutang
- Push Notification penjualan baru & piutang pembayaran
- Rekapitulasi Penjualan dan Penjualan Per Item
- Rekapitulasi Pembelian dan detail berdasarkan tanggal dan supplier,
- Analisa transaksi pembelian untuk melihat sisa stok dan history penjualan / transfer
- Rekapitulasi Piutang, Detail piutang, berdasarkan pelanggan dan tanggal jatuh tempo
- Rekapitulasi Pembayaran Piutang
- Rekapitulasi Hutang, Detail hutang, berdasarkan supplier dan tanggal jatuh tempo
- Pencarian Item berdasarkan kategori dan kata kunci
- Pencarian data supplier
- Pencarian data pelanggan
- Pembuatan data pelanggan baru
- Melihat informasi stok item total / per gudang
- Melihat informasi harga beli dan harga jual (mendukung multi harga)
- Melihat informasi kartu stok
- Melihat saldo akun kas & bank dan mutasinya
- Integrasi dengan kelompok user akses
- Pilihan theme aplikasi
Aplikasi ini dikembangkan oleh InviniaSoft sebagai pengembangan dari aplikasi iPos 4 Program Toko yang dikembangkan oleh Inspirasi Media Kreatif (inspirasi.biz)

To be able to use this application, you need to install, configure, and have license IPOS 4 Server. Download its trial in http://www.ipos4mobile.com/download
Server: demo.ipos4mobile.com, Database: demo, user: admin, password: admin
Transactions Period: March 2015 - April 2015
Push Notification:
Get immediate notification of the application IPOS 4 Mobile in 'real-time' when there is a new sales record in IPOs 4. Suitable applications used by business owners are
more often out of the office.
Stock information
Users can see the amount of stock the products listed in the system with ease. Stock displayed per location. The selling price is displayed in accordance with the pricing
option is enabled.
Mobile Sales Order
Complete your Sales team with this application on a smartphone, to speed up the recording of the sales order (Sales Order). Sales Order can be directly processed from
anywhere and anytime.
Sales Cashier / General
Input selling quickly directly from the smartphone from anywhere. Print receipt or sales invoice in just 1 click.
Simple Design
Designed with a modern look and easy to understand. Equipped with interesting themes option
Complete Features:
- Offline mode for data Item & Sales
- Entry Purchase transactions
- Entry transaction Sell Orders
- Entry transaction Cashier Sales & General [apps: IPOS 4 Sales]
- Print Sales transactions Teller (Teller Printer & Printer Back Office) [apps: IPOS 4 Sales]
- Entry Payment transactions Receivables & Payables
- Entry of transactions Cash In / Out / Transfer
- Stock hospitalization
- Cloud Access Mode (for users who do not have a connection with a Public IP)
- Dashboard sales trend, the top category, and receivables
- Push Notification of new sales & receivables payment
- Summary of Sales and Sales Per Item
- Summary of Purchase and detailed by date and supplier,
- Analysis of the purchase transaction to see the rest of the stock and the history of sales / transfers
- Summary of receivables, receivables Details, by customer and due date
- Summary of Payments Accounts
- Summary of Debt, Debt Detail, based suppliers and due date
- Search items by categories and keywords
- Search Data supplier
- Search customer data
- Creation of new customer data
- View information stock items in total / per warehouse
- View information about the purchase price and the selling price (supports multi-price)
- View information card stock
- View cash and bank account balances and the movements
- Integration with the user group access
- application theme options
This application was developed by InviniaSoft as the development of applications IPOS 4 Shops program developed by Creative Media Inspiration (inspirasi.biz)

Old Versions

Free Download Download by QR Code
  • App Name: iPos 4 Mobile
  • Category: Business
  • App Code: com.invinia.ipos
  • Version: 1.9.4
  • Requirement: 4.0.3 or higher
  • File Size : 5.47 MB
  • Updated: 2018-09-26