Deity Quest 1.1.5 [paid]


Deity Quest is a light-hearted RPG where you play as an ambitious young god, recently assigned to a world - Aberos - to convert followers and gain power. Your goal is to
become the Overgod, the highest position among the many gods of Aberos. Develop your divine magic, support your followers in fast-paced 6 vs. 6 battles, adventure through
locations, and compete with other deities in your quest to reach the top! You can try the demo here (especially useful to ensure it runs on your device - older androids
can get laggy):
• Convert Followers
Discover 128 unique follower types throughout the land of Aberos, each with their own strengths, weaknesses and skills.
• Develop as a Deity
Gain powerful magic unique to your alignment to support your followers and smite your enemies.
• Explore Aberos
Travel through locations and quests, finding items and secrets, solving puzzles, gaining experience and discovering new followers.
• Fight 6 vs. 6 Battles
Use strategy to manage and support your followers as they fight, and get the most out of their individual skills.
• Become the Overgod
Race your rival, battle other deities and solve a murder mystery as you strive to become the Overgod of Aberos!

Old Versions

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