Daily Editorial is the most used & Top-rated Editorial and vocabulary app.Are you a competitive exam aspirant ?
[Exams like UPSC, IAS, CAT, Civil services, IBPS Bank exam, Bank PO, PSC and others]
If you are preparing for any competitive exam then you already know how important editorials, current affairs, blogs, column and opinions are.
Well here is a good news. The Daily Editorial app provides the editorial, blogs, opinion article from different news sources like The Hindu, The financial express,
The Economics Times, Live Mint, TOI, The Indian Express, Hindustan Times, The Tribune and more, all at a single place.
Now you don't need to go through sites and sites to read editorial from different news sources. And besides this Daily Editorial app also comes with features like a
Daily current affairs and editorial articles from all major news sources.★ Tap Any Word for Meaning
If you stuck while reading an editorial, just tap any word for meaning in your prefered languages like Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi,
Tamil, Telugu, Urdu.★ Dictionary
Improve your vocabulary by reading the editorial and checking their word meanings from the built-in dictionary with just a single click.★ Daily PIB Summary
Daily editorial provides short and precise pointwise PIB Summary to improve your current affairs and general studies.★ Night Mode in editorial
Added night mode in the app for better editorial reading at night.★ Many category
Categories editorial from specific categories like politics, economy, history and more★ Save and Read Offline
Found an important piece of Article? Bookmark it for revision later!★ Create your own Notes for revision in just 3 taps
Jot down important points from editorial quickly with just 3 taps and under 5 seconds, No need to copy and paste points. Just select the important point and save them
as notes.Improve your vocabulary with informative Editorials and Opinion from well know newspapers Editorials.
Daily Editorial App contains editorial from -
• The Hindu
• Daily PIB Summary
• The Economics Times
• The Hindustan Times
• The Tribune
• Down To Earth
• The Guardian
• The Economist
• The Live Mint
• Indian Express
• The Financial Express
☆☆ Useful for All Competitive Entrance & Recruitment Exams ☆☆
★ Civil Services
• Central - UPSC
• Statewise - BPSC, APPSC, MPSC, MPPSC, RPSC etc.
★ Banking & Insurance
• SBI - PO, Clerk
• IBPS - PO, Clerk, RRB
• RBI - Grade B Officer, Assistant
★ Government Recruitment
• SSC - CGL, CHSL, Stenographer
• Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC
★ Management
• CAT, XAT, SNAP, CMAT, IIFT, CET, MICATDaily editorial app is all about providing you with the best editorials, opinion and current affairs knowledge from different newspapers.
So what are you waiting for Download the Editorial app now!!!
We help you save your time by collecting editorial article, opinion blogs, and current affair article from different sources like The Hindu, The Economic Times.
Dialy Editorial is an all in one app for Vocab, Current affairs, Editorial, General Knowledge and News.
Follow us on Facebook -
vocabulary for UPSC Exam, English Vocabulary, vocabulary IAS Exam, Vocabulary building, IBPS PO exam preparation, vocabulary for IPO Exam, current affairs for UPSC exam,
current affairs Bank IPO Exam, vocabulary, editorial and opinion, current affairs for UPSC, IBPS preparation, vocab, bank exam preparation app, vocabulary builder, Improve
vocabulary, UPSC IAS.
[Exams like UPSC, IAS, CAT, Civil services, IBPS Bank exam, Bank PO, PSC and others]
If you are preparing for any competitive exam then you already know how important editorials, current affairs, blogs, column and opinions are.
Well here is a good news. The Daily Editorial app provides the editorial, blogs, opinion article from different news sources like The Hindu, The financial express,
The Economics Times, Live Mint, TOI, The Indian Express, Hindustan Times, The Tribune and more, all at a single place.
Now you don't need to go through sites and sites to read editorial from different news sources. And besides this Daily Editorial app also comes with features like a
Daily current affairs and editorial articles from all major news sources.★ Tap Any Word for Meaning
If you stuck while reading an editorial, just tap any word for meaning in your prefered languages like Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi,
Tamil, Telugu, Urdu.★ Dictionary
Improve your vocabulary by reading the editorial and checking their word meanings from the built-in dictionary with just a single click.★ Daily PIB Summary
Daily editorial provides short and precise pointwise PIB Summary to improve your current affairs and general studies.★ Night Mode in editorial
Added night mode in the app for better editorial reading at night.★ Many category
Categories editorial from specific categories like politics, economy, history and more★ Save and Read Offline
Found an important piece of Article? Bookmark it for revision later!★ Create your own Notes for revision in just 3 taps
Jot down important points from editorial quickly with just 3 taps and under 5 seconds, No need to copy and paste points. Just select the important point and save them
as notes.Improve your vocabulary with informative Editorials and Opinion from well know newspapers Editorials.
Daily Editorial App contains editorial from -
• The Hindu
• Daily PIB Summary
• The Economics Times
• The Hindustan Times
• The Tribune
• Down To Earth
• The Guardian
• The Economist
• The Live Mint
• Indian Express
• The Financial Express
☆☆ Useful for All Competitive Entrance & Recruitment Exams ☆☆
★ Civil Services
• Central - UPSC
• Statewise - BPSC, APPSC, MPSC, MPPSC, RPSC etc.
★ Banking & Insurance
• SBI - PO, Clerk
• IBPS - PO, Clerk, RRB
• RBI - Grade B Officer, Assistant
★ Government Recruitment
• SSC - CGL, CHSL, Stenographer
• Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC
★ Management
• CAT, XAT, SNAP, CMAT, IIFT, CET, MICATDaily editorial app is all about providing you with the best editorials, opinion and current affairs knowledge from different newspapers.
So what are you waiting for Download the Editorial app now!!!
We help you save your time by collecting editorial article, opinion blogs, and current affair article from different sources like The Hindu, The Economic Times.
Dialy Editorial is an all in one app for Vocab, Current affairs, Editorial, General Knowledge and News.
Follow us on Facebook -
vocabulary for UPSC Exam, English Vocabulary, vocabulary IAS Exam, Vocabulary building, IBPS PO exam preparation, vocabulary for IPO Exam, current affairs for UPSC exam,
current affairs Bank IPO Exam, vocabulary, editorial and opinion, current affairs for UPSC, IBPS preparation, vocab, bank exam preparation app, vocabulary builder, Improve
vocabulary, UPSC IAS.
Old Versions
- App Name: Daily Editorial -Vocabulary & Current affairs
- Category: Education
- App Code: app.craftystudio.vocabulary.dailyeditorial
- Version: 1.30
- Requirement: 4.0.3 or higher
- File Size : 4.97 MB
- Updated: 2018-06-11