All Exams GK app is best general knowledge app for various competitive exams such as SSC, CSAT, Railway, Bank, Defense, TET, HCM and various other job exams.
Features of All Exams GK app:
1. Question Answers in both Hindi an English Language
2. Daily eNewsPaper for reading and downloading
3. Category wise and Chapter wise questions arrangement i both Hindi and Eglish
4. India Map with Capitals, wild Life Sanctuary and National Parks labeling
5. More than 10,000 Questions in total
6. New Questions to be added every month.
The All Exams GK app is best source of GK for following Exams:
1. SSC LDC, MTS, UDC, CPO, GD etc.
2. Railway exams, Metro exams, RPF etc.
3. Police exams, HCM, CISF SI, ASI etc.
4. TET exams, KVS, NVS exams etc.
5. Army, Navy, Air-force exams.
Make All Exams Gk app a part of your mobile and prepare for General Knowledge section of your competition exams.
Hindi GK Categories Include:
1. Indian States, Capitals, Ministers, Governors list.
2. Indian Banks and their foundation years
3. Supreme awards of Countries
4. Names of Parliaments of various countries
5. Authors of famous Books and Novels from India and World
# A lot more list of categories in Hin GK Section is there for competition exams.
English GK Category Include following sections:
1. Indian Polity GK
2. Indian History GK
3. Geography of India and World
4. Economics GK
You can explore more about this app by your own.
Good Luck for your career !
Features of All Exams GK app:
1. Question Answers in both Hindi an English Language
2. Daily eNewsPaper for reading and downloading
3. Category wise and Chapter wise questions arrangement i both Hindi and Eglish
4. India Map with Capitals, wild Life Sanctuary and National Parks labeling
5. More than 10,000 Questions in total
6. New Questions to be added every month.
The All Exams GK app is best source of GK for following Exams:
1. SSC LDC, MTS, UDC, CPO, GD etc.
2. Railway exams, Metro exams, RPF etc.
3. Police exams, HCM, CISF SI, ASI etc.
4. TET exams, KVS, NVS exams etc.
5. Army, Navy, Air-force exams.
Make All Exams Gk app a part of your mobile and prepare for General Knowledge section of your competition exams.
Hindi GK Categories Include:
1. Indian States, Capitals, Ministers, Governors list.
2. Indian Banks and their foundation years
3. Supreme awards of Countries
4. Names of Parliaments of various countries
5. Authors of famous Books and Novels from India and World
# A lot more list of categories in Hin GK Section is there for competition exams.
English GK Category Include following sections:
1. Indian Polity GK
2. Indian History GK
3. Geography of India and World
4. Economics GK
You can explore more about this app by your own.
Good Luck for your career !
Old Versions
- App Name: All Exams GK - QA : In Eng-Hin
- Category: Education
- App Code: all.exams.gk
- Version: 2k18.2.3
- Requirement: 4.0.3 or higher
- File Size : 3.06 MB
- Updated: 2018-02-06