Geo-Wind 1.0.12 [free]


Geo-wind, the future of sea weather forecasts for sailors. Geo-wind's unlimited zoom is worldwide singular. Zoom from worldview to very local view, with fast animations at each zoomlevel . Geo-wind adopts mapping technologies in the area of weather forecast. Weather parameters are layers on existing maps, like Openstreetmaps and so on. The Weather layers are extended by a comfortable support of the time dimension. Full automatic loading of the data at the start. It is not necessayr any more, to select and load the data manually before visualising. High amount of High Quality forecast, accessible in one single display: Forecasts for the entire world for - Wind, - Sea waves, - Swell, - Precipitation, - Temperature Short-range forecast and long-range forecast up to seven days High resolution forecasts, which are implemented in higher zoomlevels High Usability: All forecasts are available with one click in one single display. - Zoom from world view to local view with high resolution data, - Comfortable navigation through the time steps, - timepoint -and location centered change to all weather parameter, - Location centered Animation on each zoomlevel, Weather forecasts are layers on a full-fledged geografical map, using web mapping technologies. Manifold Geo-localisation features: You order Geo-wind with a static or a dynamic origin for any city on earth. Your ordered origin is preset at start and is marked on the map. Additionaly you can mark your actual position on the map as well as navigate to any place with the search feature. With one click you go back to your origin. Geo-localisation is also used to initialise the high resolution forecasts for your origin. It is not necessary any more , to select and download the data manualy. High flexibilty: Geo-wind is easy adjustable to the entire spectrum of transferrates: From DSL, Wifi, Turbo UMTS to very small transferrates e.g. 26 kbits/sec for satellite telefones. How to access actual forecast data? This app is free of charge with demo data installed. Buy the actual data in the Geo-wind webshop, inside the app.

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