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毎月50万人以上が利用中。 「気象病」や「天気痛」と呼ばれる、気圧の変動が起こす頭痛などの痛みに注目し、気象予報士が考案した気圧予報に基づく体調管理アプリ。痛みが起こりやすいタイミングを気圧予報グラフで確認できます。 これまでの皆様からのご要望を反映し、より便利に利用いただけるプレミアムサービスをご

31.67 MB

Planeje seu dia a dia com a mais confiável da previsão o tempo para todo Brasil. Com o app Climatempo, você acompanha as condições atuais do tempo com

9.51 MB

대기오염정보(CAI)는 환경부 한국환경공단(에어코리아)에서 실시간으로 제공하는 대기오염 및 미세먼지 수치정보를 바탕으로 WHO 권고기준 6단계 등급으로 색상 구분으로 알기 쉽게 표시해줍니다. 이제 외출할 때, 창문열 때 대기질정보를 꼭 확인하세요! ■ 주요기능 • 통합

12.38 MB

'날씨의 모든 것' - 케이웨더 어플리케이션 ▶ 주요 기능 1. 더욱 상세한 날씨정보 (개황, 미세먼지, 일출/일몰시간, 일별/시간별 바람, 강수 정보 등 더 상세한 날씨 정보 제공) 2. 케이웨더/기상청 예보 비교 선택 가능(환경설정에서 선택) 3. 날씨 SNS 'H

13.38 MB

Digital clock & world weather is a full featured, weather application and widget. The application and widget feature the following: - Different widget

26.86 MB

The five extreme superhero transform robot fighting powers come in a single new superhero simulator games to enjoy nonstop action of incredible monste

30.22 MB

MyRadar is a fast, easy-to-use, no-frills application that displays animated weather radar around your current location, allowing you to quickly see w

37.12 MB

雨と雪のさかい目がわかる【雨雪(ゆき)レーダー】リリース! ◎ヤフー天気アプリ9つのポイント 1. もう迷わない!ひと目でわかるデザイン☀ 2. レーダーマップで5分毎の雨雲の動きがわかる☀ 3. 雨雲の接近を通知でお知らせ☀ 4. 雷の発生と今後の予測がわかるレーダー☀ 5. 37パターンの多彩な

10.83 MB

Welcome to Spider hero: rope spider game. Get ready for the Spider fighter and spider hero fighting. Your city is under attack by gangsters and angry

39.37 MB

Fly for superhero robot rescue missions in superhero robot game. Fly as rope robot hero to prevent gangster crime & rescue city in flying robot game a

44.64 MB
ČHMÚ 1.9.1

Aplikace ČHMÚ obsahuje předpověď počasí pro ČR s rozlišením až na jeden kilometr, výstrahy před nebezpečnými jevy a předpověď aktivity klíšťat. Předpo

4.87 MB

Minor issues are solve now

75.04 MB

Ice cream shop is now open to serve delicious ice cream cones and pair it with a frozen cupcake. Drive your ice cream truck to the hungry girls and bo

37.64 MB

Car Crash Simulator provides you the most realistic accidents drive beamng experience where you will have your inner view and will be testing crash ac

26.69 MB
Plugfield 2.3.15

Correção de bugs

4.49 MB
Alerta SP 2.0.6

Melhorias para Notificações Firebase

3.97 MB

- Kleine fouten aangepast en optimalisaties doorgevoerd - Het volledige weer in Suriname en Nederland - Het meest recente nieuws uit Suriname

8.12 MB

v3.3.1 Fix: Some airports do not receive any meta data New: Settings for 12h/24h added v3.2.2 Fix: dark theme - connection fixes for older devices - d

23.23 MB

8.1 MB

Weather Forecast is one of the  best weather app you must to have, Weather Forecast free to provide the most accurate weather information wherever you

11.7 MB