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Você já pensou em ajudar alguma entidade e acabou ficando sem saber como fazer e para quem fazer? Ou apenas não tem confiança para doar para as instit

18.45 MB

Informações completas sobre o Auxílio Vale Gás de 2022. Consulte o preço do gás do cozinha na sua região. Verifique o calendário de pagamentos do vale

3.49 MB

The Briefing The SWI swissinfo.ch editorial team provides you with a concise daily briefing on the most important debates in Switzerland and presents

6.18 MB

BuddyGolf, bringing you closer to the game and connecting with golfers #connecinggolfers Find, host and play games worldwide with your very own connec

9.23 MB

At Soulsearch, we envision that the youth of our nation who are of marriageable age are free to search and find their partners via a trusted, secure a

7.02 MB

小桜保育園のアプリは、園からの連絡事項などをプッシュ通知により保護者の皆様に伝えたり、フォトアルバムで園の今を確認できたり、保護者の皆様と園の円滑なコミュニケーションをこのアプリによって行えます。 The Kozakura nursery school app can send notifica

9.41 MB

Seit 2002 sorgen wir mit lablue in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz für mehr glückliche Chat-Kontakte und Beziehungen bei der Online Partnersuc

3.58 MB

viuGraph is a new social media app that lets you share stories using photos and videos in chronological timeline, including location tag, to friends o

15.81 MB

Découvrez & partagez les meilleures adresses entre amis. Avec Place2Biz, soyez récompensé pour vos photos et vos achats ! Découvre les meilleures adre

116.09 MB
The Stadium 4.1.9

Cette app est pour tous les passionnés de foot. Le manque d'actualité dans le football amateur ne vous dérange pas ? Il est très compliqué de trouver

105.66 MB

マリオネットでチャットをするとありふれた日常に彩りを添えてくれます。 素晴らしい出会いや体験がマリオネットで待っている! ・価値観の合った相手と時間を共有できる ・あなたの好みに合わせて検索できる ・パトロール機能で安心してチャットできます。 ・日本全国どこでも、または近所で相手探し。 ■こんな方に

4.75 MB

Your love story might have been written already! Pick a page to get a clue about your romantic destiny, as it's written now... ★ Features: • BOOK OF L

11.99 MB

Download this Tikebooming-Get More Likes&Followers for TikTok benefits: Real TikTok likes for free coins Get likes on TikTok easily Earn real follo

12.55 MB
10 Marbles 1.0.3

10 Marbles - more Joy, Time and Friends in your Life. #equalworld Download app now and get your starting 10 marbles to your account. Use them how you

6.64 MB

Biboo, çevrendeki yeni insanlarla tanışma şeklini değiştirdi. Tüm dünya'da farklı kültürlerin buluşmasını sağlayan Biboo seni de bekliyor. Şimdi ücret

13.16 MB
Bunny PRO 1.0.1

Break the distance in face-to-face video calls, share your story and make more connections with your friends. Come to CHAT in Bunny PRO! Main Features

28.53 MB

▶ Connect to the world with Live O Video Chat. Live O Video Chat connects you with people from over 200 countries. You can easily make a lot of friend

54.67 MB

bubble for SPORTS: Private messages from my favorite sports star Make your day special with a message from your favorite star! Start bubble right now

28.12 MB

Toggle is India’s own Short Video Maker App. This is a platform to forecast talents to the whole world. This video community app help to bring users c

22.85 MB

Die Anwendung Visitor Validation ermöglicht die Validierung von Tickets, Vouchern und Coupons aus der VisitorApp Plattform mit dem Smartphone. Die ent

4.9 MB