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UN Igf 9.0

UN Igf intends to develop a mobile app that will cater to a limited list of features / functionalities that are getting built in the new UN Igf websit

16.07 MB
Elker 1.3.0

Elker provides users with a simple and secure way of raising issues in the workplace or at university. These can be positive ideas for improvement, or

61.72 MB
LINQ 2021.12.41.39564

Working at LINQ or would you like to work for us? With the LINQ app you will find our current vacancy and range of services. Not yet working? Create a

37.31 MB

Worship service planning and scheduling by WorshipTools (formerly Worship Extreme). Build your service flow, add items, songs, notes and details. Your

3.56 MB

Lemon 1401 calendar software with all occasions as well as qibla and religious times and official holidays of Hijri Shamsi + Software features Persian

19.2 MB
T S Orgo 1.2

Famous for manufacturing, wholesaling and supplying a wide range of the premium quality of Organic Agro Chemicals and, TSORGO Organics Pvt Ltd. starte

4.61 MB

= What exactly is Rollo? Rollo is actually two things. It is the most loved printer and an online shipping solution that works with UPS, USPS, and soo

33.01 MB

Si tu negocio utiliza AgendaPro para administrar sus reservas, ¡Entonces esta App es para ti! Mantente conectado con tu negocio estés donde estés, aut

18.67 MB

To control the input and output of the operational staff

20.45 MB

Simple, safe, lightweight, fast, but powerful, and particularly tailored for Eink devices. Zero tracking codes. Source codes are open sourced on Githu

3.72 MB

Color Theory is the ultimate designers toolbox, it can find color psycology from images,build color palettes basend on color harmony models, list pant

19.08 MB

Are you a civil engineer? Do you work at a construction site? Are you working on building your own home? Do you want to calculate all the quantities o

37.18 MB

Collaborative BIM and AR platform for the Engineering, Architecture & Construction (EAC) industry. Everything in sight! SGPAR includes a set of Mixed

46.66 MB

This Tool is aimed at Real Estate Professionals, Architects, Appraisers and anyone related to construction or real estate development. It is the Value

6.41 MB
Zeus App 6.0.12

Management mobile app. Zeus

15.93 MB
Betterways: GPS Fleet tracking 17.7.22070600.323

Manage your drivers / employees with Betterways fleet management service. Live in minutes | No vehicle installations | No long term contracts Install

4.97 MB

The APP allows you to use the portable Smart Analysis laboratory for food quality control, a tool addressed to small and medium enterprises linked to

61.53 MB
LMSEDK 9.0.5

Training Management System

21.82 MB

GAB is an iterative solution that will grow and be strengthened permanently, promotes transparency, citizen participation and provides information on

7.29 MB

Tik Teleprompter is a wonderful teleprompter app for video creators to record vlogs, short videos, news recordings, online class recordings, online de

5.17 MB