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A note (notepad) application where you can create text-, voice- and paint-notes. Your notes can be organized in folders. You can create shortcuts on h

1.58 MB

Awesome- everything in one place!! It's really a great app. You can play with PDF all together!! You can not only convert images to PDF but also can

3.13 MB

通知栏日历 通知栏日历是一款实用、优雅的日历类应用。它尽可能的被设计的简单、易用且直观,您只需要启动一次应用即可让它在系统的通知栏激活,它能够为您提供公历、农历及节日节气的信息,完全满足您的日常需求。

1.06 MB
RDM+ 2.1.2

Access and control your Mac or Windows PC remotely right from your mobile device with RDM+ Remote Desktop app. Don't be tied to your home or office

983.27 KB
AppConfig 1.6

AppConfig lets you configure system settings on per-app basis. Settings are automatically applied when you use your applications and restored when you

1.21 MB
Skitch 2.8.5

See something that sparks an idea? Use Skitch to snap it, mark it up with simple tools, and send it on in an instant. Your bold ideas stand out even b

7.17 MB

219.35 KB

199.16 KB

GO Launcher HD is the exclusive tablet version of GO Launcher EX on Android platform. It brings you with the fascinating interface, practical utilitie

4.17 MB
Stickynote 1.0.19

**** WARNING: This is a WIDGET ****Put sticky notes on your home screen. You can put any text on your note, and configure the appearance of your note,

1.94 MB

Holo Countdown is a beautiful countdown app designed to be as efficent, fluid and easy as possible while still packing loads of features. The app has

2.42 MB


1.74 MB
Cal 1.1.7

What if your Google Calendar was designed to make you more productive? Rather than just organize your agenda Cal help you gain focus without the ex

12.62 MB

專門為android大屏幕設備設計的老黃曆通勝HD版! 加入日程安排,方便你擇日出行!黃曆,相傳是由黃帝創制,故稱為《黃曆》。 “通勝”實際上就是“通書”,也就是“黃曆”。因“書”與“輸”同音。 “通輸”就很忌幃了,所以就改叫“通勝”。黃曆是中國人的曆法,直達現在,炎黃子孫還在用《黃曆》來作為生活

2.03 MB

Smart Statusbar+ is the first and only Status bar enabler in full screen app. You can now reveal status bar in any Full screen app with gesture. The

402.96 KB

****** Happy Holidays ******* *** Bataria Pro 50% OFF ***Pro version of Bataria - Battery Power Saver+ Premium Widgets + No Ads + Schedule Power Sa

4.04 MB
Disconnect 1.0.7

Disconnect Mobile is a privacy and security app inspired by our award-winning browser software. The app actively blocks the biggest mobile trackers a

8.83 MB

Infinite Painter goes far beyond other raster-based graphics applications, bringing you fresh, innovative features that can’t be found anywhere else:-

8.08 MB

This Xposed module adds a floating action menu button to the recent apps screen from which you can launch floating apps.Current floating apps• Calcula

1.53 MB
Font Changer 3.0.1

494.94 KB