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共 9164 個APK 下載 最新版本
goalmap 3.9.1

## 65 000 people are chasing their life goals on goalmap, the perfect app for your personal growth. Join our community and stop procrastinating! ##Are

15.53 MB

A set of powerful and extremely useful home screen widgets!✓ Designed for both smart phones and tablets✓ Widgets for Agenda & Calendar, Contacts, Book

3.63 MB
Coolify 5.2.0

The famous technology website androidcommunity reported Coolify: 《Cool down your Android device with Coolify app》http://androidcommunity.com/cool-down

1.34 MB

Boat Browser Mini is a fast, simple and beautiful web browser, which brings a better user experience on all Android devices! - The UI is simple, clea

4.41 MB

Replace the boring CWM with TWRP or PhilzTouch Recovery on your Xperia.Almost all custom kernels and ROMs have the "extract_elf_ramdisk" method embedd

290.76 KB
Timetable 1.1.5

Timetable is helpful for school, college or university students to manage their subjects and check its schedules. • Easy interfaceWith Timetable, it i

3.82 MB
DiskInfo PRO 4.9.1

DiskInfo is a unique app that lists all partitions and all mount points on you device. It shows disk usage and very detailed partition and storage inf

933.27 KB
Pintasking 1.0.9

This is an app for power users that miss the old good Taskbar, ALT-TAB shortcut, WIN+[n] shortcut or workspaces on their Android devices. PinTasking a

3.08 MB
Quick Boot

** Root access to your phone is required to use this application. **Reboot your device, power off your device, or boot your device into recovery or bo

5.46 MB
PDF Max 4.6.3

** BACK TO SCHOOL SALE. US$2.99 ONLY! HURRY UP! ** PDF Max is the 5-star rated, full-featured PDF reader used by millions of iPhone/iPad users world-

21.24 MB

Fast Cleaner, effective, fast, and tiny, is an Android optimizer with great popularity among our users. It is designed for you to boost the speed of

1.98 MB
SnipBack 2.01

"The voice recording revolution."Voice Recorder - SnipBack is an important step forward in audio recording. Most audio recording apps are fairly strai

3.58 MB

Stock Jelly Bean calculator with a new fresh look.This app has been extended from the stock jelly bean calculator. It's open sourced and the source co

1.09 MB

155.18 KB

You can create your own floating apps from home screen widgets or any URLs now!Please do not rate us bad because you miss some floating app. We have t

18.15 MB

脚本精灵是一款模拟手机触摸和按键的工具,通过这款工具,可以运行各种自定义脚本,从而代替你在手机上进行各种重复的操作,节省你的时间。目前可应用的功能有:手机游戏重复关卡操作等。更多的脚本,更多的功能,节省您的时间。 《脚本精灵》脚本精灵与电脑上的按键精灵一样,可以模拟用户的操作、完成重复的动作,

2.51 MB

Search inside your keyboard!/FEATURES• Contacts• Foursquare• Giphy• Google• Maps• New York Times• Pin• Recent• Soundcloud• Spotify• Twitter• Youtube•

34.82 MB
SD-Booster 2.0.7

*** FOR ROOT USER ONLY ***SD-Booster speeds up your external and internal SD-Card(s) and SD-Memory up to 40 times! Enjoy a new feeling of speed on you

926.24 KB
LEDs Hack 1.2.10

334.91 KB
Silence Gesture 0.9.beta

10.31 KB