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Just got a new phone? Want your old phone’s contacts and messages in it? Need to backup your phone? Then this is the application you are looking for.

2.41 MB
KDSmart 2.0.75

For more KDSmart information, visit http://www.kddart.org/kdsmart.html or the User Guide at http://www.kddart.org/help/kdsmart/KDSmart lets you perfor

8.66 MB

Наше приложение поможет мастерам и строителям найти клиентов и работу в кратчайшие сроки. Скачайте приложение, зарегистрируйтесь и заполните подробную

3.33 MB
idScan GO 3.8.1

Intelligent Data Capture Powered by Machine Learning for Fast Customer Onboarding & Identity Verification Simplify customer data intake and onboarding

14.14 MB

Build a Performance Driven Culture. Inspire and drive your employees’ performance & development — in real time. **Simple & Powerful Performance Review

9.18 MB

This powerful battery saver & fast charger extends your phones life so there's no more unnecessary interruptions. Plug in charging device and fast cha

2.47 MB

AstroPrint® Mobile is a simple way to manage and monitor your Desktop 3D Printer from your smartphone. First, you'll need to connect your 3D Printer t

4.96 MB

Mobile Location Tracker - A Managed Family Safety and Security System! Location Tracker depends on condition of-craftsmanship GPS following innovation

2.35 MB

It is an cool personal free kitkat style emoji keyboard that can support to input emoji in anywhere(such as Facebook), custom a lot of beautiful keybo

20.76 MB

Do your documents have an annoying habit of disappearing when you need them the most? Do you keep everything a little too safe to find it when you act

32.45 MB

Flash Keyboard - Emoji & Theme is the best free emoji keyboard for Android, which helps you fast input with 3000+ GIF, themes, new emoji, emoticons, s

29.58 MB

Sıcak Satış Programında Android dönemi başlıyor. Yüksek maliyetli el terminallerine artık ücret ödemeyeceksiniz. Elmar Yazılım son olarak piyasanın ku

4.68 MB

For each formula, in some calculators, an archive of data useful for reading specific coefficients of friction, density, etc. is available. After havi

3.01 MB

*** Easy Files is more faster and easier to use than any other file manager for android *** Manage your files in a simple and easy manner. Along with

3.03 MB
RMS 11.18

IMPORTANT: Before connecting to a remote PC from the Mobile Viewer, please update the Host to version 6.x. RMS is free remote desktop software that pr

7.78 MB

Get Cortana and never miss a beat!Bring your personal assistant to your phone to help you keep track of important stuff across your devices, wherever

41.31 MB

This mobile app allows you to: View schedules and explore sessions. Create your own personal schedule for easy conference attendance. Access location

18.24 MB
360 ROOT

360超级ROOT是一款让手机轻松瘦身的权限管理软件,使您完美掌控手机。 —卸载手机中不需要的预装软件,让手机轻松瘦身 —管理手机中不断自启的软件,解决手机高耗电、卡慢问题 —深度垃圾清理,让手机的运行速度飞起来 —神奇的冷藏室,冷冻手机中不常用的软件 【联系我们】

8.14 MB

Who's going to be on the top? Join our "Light up your state" game (Indian)! Make your state rank higher! Tap: http://goo.gl/BjxlFe How to celebrate Di

975.04 KB

'Hancom Office Netffice 24' is a Office program for 'Netffice 24', Hancom's total cloud service, providing office productivity in the mobile phone. Th

25.7 MB