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Write notepad free and note color notepad incredibly fast and easily on mobile You are a forgetful person and often have note color notes app stuck on

12.55 MB
AppLock 3.0.7

Most downloaded app lock in Play Store★ #1 App lock in over 50 countries.★ Over 50 Million users, supporting 24 languages.☞ AppLock can lock SMS, Cont

8.56 MB

This is not a stand-alone application. Do not install it, if you are not a user of our @Voice Aloud Reader app, as otherwise it will not do anything u

2.28 MB
Samsung Flow

Samsung Flow is a neat trick to unlock your PC by tapping your unlocked Galaxy smartphone and scanning your fingerprint. You can easily enable your mo

10.29 MB
WinZip 5.1.3

WinZip, the world's #1 zip utility, makes it easy to view, open and save zip files on your Android device, whether they're attached to an incoming ema

32.09 MB

Status Downloader for Whatsapp app let you download photo images, GIF, Video of new status feature of whatsapp App account also it allows to share rig

4.24 MB
Japan VPN 3.4.1

"OpenVPN For Android" is the official full-featured Android VPN client for the OpenVPN Access Server, Private Tunnel VPN and OpenVPN Community, develo

4.36 MB
SplenDO 3.130

What is SplenDO?SplenDO is smart task list for everyday use.It is truly usable with great user experience.No matter who you are and what you do - you

4.86 MB

PDF Reader & Viewer is the leading office applications to help you read the document downloaded from the Internet, supports ultra fast read pdf files.

8.79 MB

Stop seeing ads on the web. AdBlock is the completely free content blocker for the Samsung Internet browser, with over 50 million users across all pla

3.12 MB

Yahoo!ファイルマネージャーは端末内のファイルをドラッグ&ドロップで簡単に操作・整理できる新感覚のファイル管理アプリです。 カメラで撮影した写真をすぐに見たり、共有したり。 SDカードの容量がいっぱいになったら、いらないファイルを見つけて簡単に削除。 削除するのはちょっと…という時はまとめてzi

16.81 MB

The fastest and easiest way to take and share screenshot is now here! Download Screenshot - Screen Grabber, a FREE screen tool to capture screen and s

2.6 MB

Agora você pode acompanhar as fases da lua (Nova, Crescente, Cheia e Minguante) diretamente do seu Android!! ** Layout auto explicativo e dinâmico. **

4.46 MB
계산기 1.1.5

사용하기 편리하도록 최소한의 기능과 아주 심플한 디자인으로 제작된 계산기 어플입니다. [기능 소개] 1. 메모리 기능 ( mc, mr, m-, m+ ) 기능을 제공하며, 부호 변경 ( ± ) , 1 / 100 ( % ) 와 같은 기능은 제공합니다. 2. 소수점은 14자

3.31 MB

Aplicación B2B que facilita la creación de pedidos a los clientes de Heineken. Características principales: Ingresar con tu número de cliente, solicit

2.87 MB

Xploree has gone where arguably no mobile keyboard has gone before: The Week Read more: http://bit.ly/2uUauaU World’s first mobile keyboard app that c

29.33 MB

Now you can write Pashto in any application easily. Also it is two in one keyboard.. so that you can also type English without changing the keyboard.

21.43 MB

A simple sticky notes memo app and widget for home screen. Features: ✓ Resizable widgets ✓ Local backup and Restore ✓ Online Cloud sync ✓ Scrollable t

5.4 MB

When a number which is not registered in your phone book calls you, through UpCall you can see who is calling, you can make fun calls by adding subjec

19.9 MB
My Cloud 4.4.26

My Cloud The newly redesigned My Cloud app makes sharing a lot easier. With the introduction of private sharing, you have total control over the shar

27.69 MB