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Aplikasi Resepi Nasi dan Lauk Pauk mengandungi sajian 60 resepi nasi dan lauk pauk pilihan yang lazat yang mudah untuk dicuba. Ia boleh membantu anda

12.2 MB

With this application, you will create the fashion and you will guide the fashion. The most stylish and trendy everyday clothing styles of the season

9.52 MB

Beim Intervallfasten müssen Sie nicht, wie bei anderen Abnehm-Methoden, auf Ihr Liebliegsgericht verzichten. Außerdem nehmen Sie mit der Diät nicht nu

4.71 MB

С помощью данного приложения Вы легко и просто сможете записаться в любой из салонов нашей сети.  Wax&Go - сеть специализированных салонов восковой э

6.33 MB

Start, locate and control your car from virtually anywhere with your Android phone or Android Wear device! “Making the cloud-connected car a reality”

73.16 MB

Features:- 1. SMS, Email, multimedia messaging, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Viber, line, 2. Easy To Use. 3. Save your favorite images to your mobile,

6.08 MB

Playboy (Плейбой) — имя, ставшее легендой. Популярнейший во всем мире глянцевый мужской журнал появился в России в 1995 году и очень быстро стал самым

9.63 MB

Frustrated with Limited Storage? Unable to Install More Apps or Click More Photos ? SpaceUp ⬆INCREASES⬆ your PHONE STORAGE by using Advanced Compress

11.04 MB

This is the App for Practicing the Driving Licence Test (RTO Test) for Indian Traffic rules. It is necessary to pass Driving Licence Test to get Learn

4.2 MB
Smart Cleaner 1.0.25

Smart Cleaner is a light, fast & smart android phone cleaner and booster app that clean phone memory and storage space with simply 1 tap. Smart Cleane

7.02 MB

MEET NEW PEOPLE BY VIDEO CHAT Diso is a secure online space to meet good-looking guys and beautiful girls nearby, or from different cultures. Interest

19.35 MB

انت لي وانا لك صور حب متحركة تطبيق رائع ومتجدد بشكل يومي لتتمتعو باحسن واجدد الصور الرومانسية و المتحركة وهي قابلة للمشاركة على جميع مواقع التواصل ال

6.46 MB
Snappy 1.3.2

Enjoy exclusive food & drink experience with Snappy! No wait EVER! - Pre-order and pick up at your local cafe for breakfast or lunch. - Join the line

24.31 MB
Paint 10

A wonderful drawing app for all ages to free your imagination and inner artist. Simple, neat while full of possibility. Features (some functions avail

9.19 MB
Frases 1.4.3

"Aprenda uma lição por dia. Em um ano terá aprendido 365 lições" O Frases deixa você escolher um horário e receber diretamente na sua tela de bloqueio

9.66 MB

Whеthеr уоu'rе ѕtаrtіng a nеw relationship, оr іn thе mіddlе of a serious rеlаtіоnѕhір, thеrе'ѕ аlwауѕ a chance thаt уоur lоvеr соuld bе cheating on y

18.29 MB

Bible FRC97, La Bible en français courant (French) Bible FRC97, La Bible en français courant (French), no Internet connection required. It contains mu

6.71 MB

10000 Majedar Kahani Story is a Best App for Har Tarah Ki Romanchak Kahaniya (Hindi me) ... ***** Features of 10000 Majedar Kahani Story in Hindi ****

3.41 MB

Learn makeup for men step by step makeup for beginners and professionals, secrets and tips male and beauty.

6.18 MB

YYP2P is a free app designed for IP camera which is a new generation of smart home product.It uses advanced P2P network transmission technology,remote

51.85 MB