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Totals 20433 Download Version

Nao DisneyToys kid and family friendly App videos of toys!! (Unboxing Reviews) Princess Dolls,Play Doh,My Little Pony,Kinder Surprise Eggs with collec

2.53 MB
Prouni 4.0.6

Faça sua inscrição pelo endereço eletrônico siteprouni.mec.gov.br e acompanhe diariamente pelo smartphone ou tablet sua classificação parcial, notas d

14.86 MB

Приложение предназначено для проверка знаний ПДД водителей транспортных средств категорий «B» по одной из семи тем или по всем темам сразу. В каждом б

50.54 MB

=> English to Hindi Translator => English to Hindi dictionary free download => English to Hindi dictionary offline free All-in-One App Easy to use. Do

9.4 MB

البرنامج الذي بين ايديكم تطبيق تثقيفي يقدم كل المعلومات التي يحتاجها المتزوجون وغبرهم لضمان حياة جنسية ممتعة وعلاقة زوجية حميمة سعيدة لتنمية الثقافة ا

4.19 MB

Easily learn German phrases and words! Speak German with confidence! The “Learn German” app has many useful German phrases and words (e.g., “Thank you

18.87 MB

Developed by students, with the goal of being simple and lightweight, the Student Agenda was made to help students organize themselves and have, conse

6.37 MB

Tầm nhìn “Ông giáo tóc bạc” mong muốn trở thành phương tiện dễ dàng để giúp các bạn trẻ có thể chủ động trong việc học, ôn luyện kiến thức, ph

12.32 MB

慶祝全系列破 500 萬下載量,英文單字王3 內購升級優惠中 $USD 3.99! ★系統開發:台灣最大雲端補習班、數位學習- http://aircate.com 艾爾雲校 ,首創 『名師線上課程 』的雲端學校 ,課程可線上試聽。 ★系統營運:http://airABC.tv 英文學習服務、網路學

21.88 MB

The best app free Learn Swedish for the world, contains over 9000 common Swedish words and phrases with excellent audio quality. It serve the purpose

66.17 MB

The ultimate mobile English pronunciation aid, for both students AND teachers. Sounds: The Pronunciation App helps you study, practise and play with p

9.02 MB

- 1000개의 영어 단어장을 무료로 다운 받아서 학습 할 수 있습니다. - 단어장에서 단어 추가, 편집, 검색이 가능하고, 자유롭게 단어의 의미를 추가하고 제거할 수 있는 앱입니다. - 200만 다운로드! 별점 4.7/5.0 을 기록하고 있는 영어 단어장 어플 입니다

7.26 MB

Multiplication Table App Here you can find the Multiplication Tables. From 0 to 10. Now also with the tables of 11 and 12! It is perfect to learn or t

2.08 MB

Malayalam English Dictionary This is an absolutely freeware and fully offline Malayalam Pad through which you can type, save and share Malayalam Sente

5.67 MB

Translate phrases and words from Portuguese for Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), or English to American Sign Language (ASL). The only one with Dictio

30.32 MB

TOEIC presents English Upgraderは、ポッドキャストで提供しているすべてのシリーズをこの1つのアプリで学習いただけます。63エピソードの中から、1話ずつ好きなエピソードをダウンロードしたり、テストスケジュールのお知らせを受け取ることができます。 【2015年11月】エピソ

6.13 MB

General Knowledge (GK) & New Current Affairs 52,600 + Previously Asked Questions with Daily Updates You can now prepare for all national level exams l

6.23 MB

Toy for kids and surprises collecting miniature things such as SHOPKINS, Hello Kitty Re-ment

2.53 MB

The easiest coloring book for your toddler. Select a color and fill away! Now with 8 backgrounds! This game is ad-free! Help your child to learn hand/

898.75 KB

App only available in Spanish and Portuguese. Welcome to the magical world of Disney Junior Play! Here, your children will find their favorite Disney

29.82 MB