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Prepárate bien para el nuevo examen teórico de conducción, El ABC de las clases contiene toda la información necesaria para que practiques y logres ap

23.97 MB

Baby widget informs about the birthdate and the anniversary of the baby with simple registration of baby information If the baby has not yet been born

5.86 MB

تطبيق الموسوعة موسوعة فتاوى كبار العلماء   ↩للبحث عن الفتاوى بدون انترنت، تطبيق جديد والاول من نوعه لجميع المسلمين  ◻◻◻◻ في هذا التطبيق أكثر من 50 ألف

35.65 MB

This application contains Biology Revision Notes. The notes cover the full O level Biology syllabus. The application works offline once installed. Wha

24.81 MB

Quicker Maths is an educational app designed to help you learn Mathematics in quicker, easier and interesting way. Currently we share: 1. Maths Tricks

7.36 MB

“Mini xerox is an online platform where All books are available for Free and anyone can upload BOOKS and STUDY Materials.” MOST AMAZING APPLICATION! M

20.76 MB

Save time and money while learning the language with this application. This application is an offline Italian ↔ German education application. This is

13.62 MB
GTU Tables 2.0.9

"GTU Tables" შექმნილია საქართველოს ტექნიკური უნივერსიტეტის სტუდენტებისა და ლექტორებისათვის. აპლიკაცია მომხმარებელს საშუალებას აძლევს ჯგუფის ნომრისა და

2.45 MB

This Basic Computer Fundamentals application will introduce the basics of Computer to those who do not know very much about computers. This applicatio

20.42 MB

From Signal Garden Inc., AR Atom Visualizer is the first ARCore app to be published on the Play Store. Note: AR Atom Visualizer requires Google ARCore

17.46 MB

A simple and easy app on the technique behind the Sunni Namaz. Essentially, this application created for the individuals who can't read Urdu/Arabic. I

41.27 MB

★JAPANESE LANGUAGE★ Welcome to learning Japanese Alphabet (Script,Syllable,Symbol,Letters,Characters,Kana ) Application teach you to read and write Ja

5.28 MB

Vocabula: Vocabulary List is made so you can learn the vocabulary you choose. Vocabulary List building makes learning words more efficient. No vocabul

9.8 MB

IELTS Speaking Preparation: Free provides samples that content each IELTS Speaking app including Speaking skills all represented in the sample content

17.93 MB

Türkiye'de ilk kez Açık Öğretim Lisesi öğrencilerini ve adaylarını bilgilendirmek için hazırlanmıştır. - Basamaklara göre testlere (Matematik, Fizik,

36.99 MB

I.T.I Electrician is a practice application for I.T.I Electricians. It contains multiple choice questions and answers of trade theory. Students can pr

2.33 MB

★ 소방관이 되어서 친구들을 구해주세요!★ - 친구들을 모두 구할때까지 불은 꺼지지않아요! - 뽀로로와 크롱 소방관도 함께한답니다~! - 주인공 얼굴을 바꾸시려면 뽀로로콘을 다운받으셔야해요~ ★ 더 많은 놀이를 하시려면 ◆뽀로로콘◆을 검색하세요 - 설치만하셔도 무료코인

12.5 MB

Learn and Earn – Learn and Make Money Online. Keyword: Earn money, Learn earn, make money Online, get money, earn and learn, Online Mobile Earn, Bangl

5.63 MB

Layanan terjemahan online Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Sasak, suku asli pulau Lombok. Fitur-fitur: - Terjemahan dari Indonesia - Sasak dan sebaliknya -

3.77 MB
Quotes 4.0

Collection of quotes and aphorisms of great people. Each time it launches a new aphorism and a new background image. Added switch swip quotes to the r

8.38 MB