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Мы убрали всю рекламу и покупки из приложения. Теперь ничто не мешает учить билеты! Билеты для экзамена ПДД 2018 и документы с последними изменениями.

64.6 MB

This application is a collection of Zimsec Mathematics revision notes as well as various Equation solving tools. The notes covers all topics that an O

5.9 MB

This is a free Parental Control app for parents and children using Android devices! Sentry has developed a number of proprietary automated tools to he

2.52 MB

RCC Column Design is a free app for designing reinforced concrete columns. • RCC Design and detailing could be performed by Limit State Method based o

4.12 MB

The app is aggregation of definitions, formulas and notes of Physics in most systematically way. It will help in quick revision. Useful for all level

12.5 MB
Learn french 3.1.2

With this app you can practice READING by read words and sentences every day, and practice LISTENING by listen pronunciation of words and sentence, an

10.59 MB

Rozgaar Samachaar in English Sarkari Naukri k liye best app Sarkari nokri paana hua ab aasaan. Free main download karen. Sarkaari Naukri ki online tai

6.26 MB

GoParento, भारत के एकमात्र अभिभावक ऐप है, जो फेसबुक द्वारा समर्थित है On GoParento 1,00,000 parents already sign up and they read articles on parentin

20.58 MB

This is Chinese character(Hanja, Kanji) handwriting recognition app. Also you can use dictionary website link.(nciku, google and custom site) - High a

2.64 MB

Korean language is very systematic and we bring each component to be able to learn easily and effectively. The App provided the sound of each alphabet

15.97 MB

Children spend an increasing amount of time socializing online. Unfortunately, new technology creates new risks. Parents need a smarter solution to he

6.62 MB

Ruqyah Mp3 Offline : Sheikh Tawfeeq As Sayegh is offline android app to listen Ruqyah Ash Shar'eeyah offline by Sheikh Tawfeeq As Sayegh. In addition

31.37 MB

أكسفورد 3000 هو قائمة من 3000 أهم الكلمات للتعلم باللغة الإنجليزية. وقد تم اختيار الكلمات الرئيسية من أكسفورد 3000 بعناية من قبل مجموعة من خبراء اللغة

7.05 MB

इस ऐप के अंदर आपको सभी वही प्रश्न उतर मिलेंगे जो आपके आने वाले exams में बहुत ज्यादा helpful होंगे। अगर आप इसके द्वारा किसी भी प्रकार की सरकारी नौकरी

2.2 MB

بوابة المستقبل هي بيئة تعليمية الكترونية مركزية متكاملة تعتمد على التعلم الذاتي والتشاركي ضمن منظومة تربوية معرفية متكاملة تسهم في انشاء نموذج تعليمي

23.86 MB

Anne babalar, çocuklarının ruh sağlığı açısından sağlıklı bir birey olarak gelişmelerini, büyümelerini isterler. Bu gelişme sürecinde de anne babalara

5.11 MB

Learn about PLC Rslogix 5000 completed

9.56 MB

User needs a login at prisms.in to use this app. To implement TopSchool Sanskar Balak Mandir in your school please visit our website www.prisms.in •

10.14 MB

Thomas & Friends™: Read & Play is a library of interactive read-to-me audio books, videos and many fun activities that are built to provide fun learni

59.6 MB

Kumpulan / Risalah Doa Untuk Anak Terdiri dari : - Do'a Sehari-hari (Doa Sebelum Tidur, dan lainnya) - Niat Beribadah (Niat Berpuasa Ramadhan, dan lai

8.82 MB