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This is an app made for adults who learn Japanese for the first time.You can learn Japanese "hiragana" for fun. Let's read, write and listen! *There a

1.75 MB

Maths Loops: Selected by the Teachers' Appedia as one of the best app for starter's maths.Link: to MATHS LOOPS S

21.25 MB

The Definition of Tense (noun) : a form of a verb used to indicate the time . Tense is a method that we use in English to refer to time. There are thr

533.93 KB

With NTS GAT test app now you can check you NTS GAT Preparation. The app comes with a complete Gat test so that you can evaluate your preparation befo

2.7 MB

This application has does not any relation with official apps.

3.4 MB

ความสามารถของ EDR นักเรียนมีดังนี้ - ตรวจสอบข้อมูลครูผู้สอน/ครูที่ปรึกษา/เพื่อนร่วมชั้น - ตรวจสอบข้อมูลตรวจสอบตารางเรียน - ตรวจสอบคะแนนเก็บรายวิชา - ต

5.55 MB
IIN World 1.0.6

IIN offers a structured tried and tested pathway to self development and professional empowerment through continuous focus on Key Employability Soft S

5.67 MB

English Basic - Interview English + Level: Advanced + of Lessons: 127 + Suggestion: 45 min per lesson - Learn what to say in English speaking intervie

14.49 MB

*** English Basic - ESL Course *** -> Level: Beginner to Intermediate -> # of Lessons: 90 -> Suggestion: 1 hour per lesson - This App will improve you

13.48 MB

!!! Visite nosso !!! O Bita apresenta os animais agrupados pelos seus habitats naturais, os bichinhos são mostrados aos pe

37.4 MB
DAMS eBooks 1.2.2

The DAMS PG Medical Exam preparation app, is a set of online study material containing eBooks, Test Series, MCQ Tests covering all the required syllab

16.7 MB

Learning how to communicate effectively is the goal of all language students, and improving your pronunciation is an important key to the language puz

15.99 MB

free to watch for bangladeshi tv channels. this is really good work tv channel apps. List of Bangladeshi TV channels brings you latest news and entert

5.49 MB
Parcoursup 1.1.8

Restez connecté avec la procédure Parcoursup ! Une nouvelle version de l’application est disponible. Téléchargez-là dès maintenant ! Cette application

4.16 MB

Smart Quran is designed to enhance your Quran reciting .It enables you to play back each verses by touching it which would help you to correct your re

16.85 MB

C++ Compiler IDE is simple C++ IDE focused on learning programming languages. Features: * smart syntax highlighting * undo * redo * note * input synta

28.46 MB

Pass your provisional driver's license test the first time using the Zimbabwe's VID provisional driver's licence test App and save money! Install the

23.15 MB

英会話アプリの決定版!無料で発音も聞けて全1610フレーズを収録。 「言える」「言えない」を押すだけのカンタン操作。気軽に何度も使えます。 リスニング対応。全ての英会話フレーズに英語音声付き! 気になる英会話フレーズにはチェックを入れて、後からまとめて確認しよう! 収録内容 ・挨拶や天気、気持ちの表

49.61 MB

What are Digits? Digits are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0 - Interactive Fun Learning App with lots of Interesting Features to help your child learn

95.75 MB

Solar Walk is an impressive wealth of information about our Solar system, planets and stars presented as an amazing 3D model that can be rotated and z

30.73 MB