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لممارسة مفردات اللغة والتعبيرات والحروف الأبجدية والأرقام يحتوي التطبيق على اكتر من 50000 كلمة ، و جميع الكلمات في هذا التطبيق مترجمة باللغة العربية،

6.75 MB
OMN 4.0.8

Oromia Media Network (OMN) mission is to disseminate contents via all its platforms to inform, educate, inspire, and entertain the Oromo people as wel

30.92 MB

La nueva aplicación móvil de Educamos para familias permite a los padres y alumnos estar conectados con el colegio en todo momento y desde cualquier l

52.83 MB

So, you want to Learn Spanish in no time? You need MosaLingua! Innovative and effective, our applications have helped more than 3,000,000 people all o

24.21 MB
RoboAssess 1.0.9

RoboAssess is an Adaptive Assessment and Test Preparation App for Students and Schools or Institutions. RoboAssess has a large number of questions ban

36.12 MB

Приложение «Учебник цифрового века» позволяет работать с электронными учебниками издательства «Просвещение». Более 400 учебников доступны в онлайн и о

18.21 MB

Download this original application and stay updated Tally Erp9 in Hindi Free offline Application Important information of Tally for Beginners. Easiest

9.97 MB
Robobooks 1.1.0

Robobooks is an interactive eBook reader app. It allows students to download their course books and study. The reader has various features and functio

17.94 MB

Welcome an Android version of Exam Testing Engine, your personal guru in exam preparation process! ETE is the response for on-the-go productivity. Eve

13.59 MB

One offline rhyme and online videos and stories.

12.52 MB
CAMI-Apps 2.1.3

Master your basic operations in the CAMI-Apps Speedtest. Practice your skills on curriculum aligned Grade R to Grade 7 maths exercises. The Perceptual

71.11 MB

本APP為行政院人事行政總處公務人力發展學院所有,整合「e等公務園+學習平臺」服務,主要服務對象為全國公務人員,提供多元化行動學習,讓學習服務能夠帶著走! 功能簡介 = 學院研習 = 為使學習數位化,此功能納入實體研習填寫問卷與測驗以及簽到機制,將實體學習結合行動裝置。 = 數位學習 = 學員可以直

27.9 MB

تعليم القران الكريم للأطفال تعليم وتحفيظ - جزء عم بطريقة ممتعة وبإخراج فني جميل ميزات البرنامج : القارئ الشيخ مشاري العفاسي امكانية اظهار ايات المصحف

47.73 MB

This is NOT a free app. This app REQUIRES an active UWorld NCLEX-RN or NCLEX-PN Qbank subscription, which can be purchased at

6.84 MB

Over 10,000,000 Kids Love Paint Sparkles Coloring Book! The World’s Epic Paint Sparkle Education Game Comes to Google Play! More than 200 Exciting, Co

48.82 MB

NCC दर्पण is the paramount tool for all things NCC related. NCC दर्पण will assist you in preparation through study material, sample tests, interactive

4.37 MB
行動逢甲 2

行動逢甲 2 提供整合性校園行動資訊化服務,讓您可以更方便、更即時的了解逢甲大學的最新消息與活動。逢甲教職員生可以透過本系統快速存取常用服務,包括行動刷卡、iLearn 2.0、我的課表以及圖書館等資訊化服務。 行動逢甲 2 在架構上與介面上進行了一些改良。點選左上方地球圖示可以看到公開的訊息與各單

23.97 MB

+ 1000 Exercises follow Grammar Topics: Support offline Over 1000 Exercises Full Grammar Guide

4.03 MB

Do you want to speak english? Let "Everyday English Conversation" help you. The app has many conversation was used everyday for you learn and practice

17.13 MB

* There are two section In Railway Gk Tricks 2018:- # Railway Gk Tricks # Current Affaitres

4.89 MB