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Теория ГИБДД AB версия приложения это: -40 официальных билетов категории AB с комментариями к каждому вопросу -Правила Дорожного Движения, разметка и

874.16 KB
Geografia 1.1

OFFERTA!!!! tutte le nostre app sono al prezzo speciale di 1,49€ Volete conoscere la situazione geo-politico-economica delle varie nazioni e continent

2.83 MB

Need more than free videos to learn math? YourTeacher's College Algebra app is like having a personal math tutor in your pocket. ****** “It’s like a p

304.04 KB

Apple App Store最暢銷粵語學習軟體登錄Google Play。 1、 支持離線使用,無需上網零流量; 2、 特有的真人錄音及逐字發音兩種放音模式; 3、 真人錄音特聘專業錄音人士錄音,清晰悅耳、地道純正; 4、 逐字發音采用特有的卡拉OK功能,逐字跟讀,快速掌握; 5、 整句翻譯、真人

36.38 MB

Приложение Учи английский Pro! (501-1000) - продолжение приложения Учи английский Pro!, поможет вам без труда выучить следующие 500 наиболее употребим

5.64 MB

Tout pour réussir votre examen du Code de la Route avec la MEILLEURE APPLI pour Android ! « Très complète, cette application fait réviser en profondeu

977.86 KB

Want to learn the jutsu's used by ninja / shinobi such as those found in anime like naruto? Then Check out this app and become a pro !! The Ninja Juts

2 MB

Mnemododo allows spaced-repetition flash cards from Mnemosyne to be reviewed on a mobile phone. Both Mnemosyne and the Mnemogogo plugin must be instal

1.76 MB

Learn English by practicing the sample collection of interesting and valuable grammar exercises available in this app. Detailed notes on every essenti

1.03 MB

Smart Microscope is the first virtual mobile microscope for everyone! In this revolutionary app you get over 70 microscopic slides of amazing insects,

3.87 MB
Italian Podcasts capuchino

Italian Podcasts (Learn Italian with Podcasts) contains over 25 popular podcasts in Italian. Italian Podcasts brings to you thousands of lessons and l

266.07 KB

Express English is good application containing chapters for learning English Grammar for Arabs, it teaches English Grammar perfectly in Arabic. The ap

15.47 MB

Now you have easy-to-use trainer, which will help you to master widely spread but still very special language - Chinese. Learning one glyph per day is

163.59 KB

O ABC do Bita é um abecedário interativo em português que funciona como um brinquedo para crianças em início de alfabetização. Seus jogos educativos e

22.96 MB

Offline English-Spanish Dictionary Diccionario Inglés-Español offline * More than 85.900 words end expressions * Bookmark your favorite translations f

2.87 MB

Practice for Air Traffic Controller Selection. You are invited to improve your skills necessary for a career in ATC. Our training app comprises thirte

26.65 MB

Your child or toddler will love this piano game. Ever wanted to hear a cat meow "Black Sheep"? Now you can! Hilarious! Edutainment with a large servin

1.32 MB
TestMed Test Medicina

Applicazione rivolta a tutti coloro che vogliono esercitarsi con i test d'ingresso per la facoltà di medicina e chirurgia. Ottima anche per programmi

1.05 MB

Приложение Учи английский Pro! поможет вам без труда выучить 500 наиболее употребимых слов ангийского языка. Возможности: - озвучивание всех слов носи

5.47 MB

This handy revision app teaches you everything you need to know for GCSE Maths. It combines the separate apps for Number, Algebra, Geometry, Measures,

8.98 MB