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Buah kurma adalah buah yang kaya akan manfaat dan khasiat. buah ini sangat mudah di jumpai di Indonesia terutama saat bulan puasa. Buak kurma memiliki

6.31 MB

40 Rabbanas is an Islamic application consists of 40 invocations (Dua) of the Noble Quran Karim. These 40 invocations start with "Rabbana" (Our Lord)

4.23 MB

Gulliver’s travels by Jonatan Swift Virtual Entertainment, 2013 Series: World classic books This book is a novel by Irish writer and clergyman Jonatha

3.27 MB

English Faroese Dictionary and Faroese English Dictionary (enskt føroyskt orðabók) database will be downloaded when the application is run first time.

8.62 MB

The Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (the SEBI Act) is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted for regulation and development of sec

1.78 MB

The application contains a description of the surroundings of Pushkin.

9.93 MB
Wild West 1.11.4

The application contains a description of the wild West.

14.67 MB

일심성경은 개역한글 성경입니다. 잡다한 기능없이 꼭 필요한 기능만 첨부하였습니다. 성경 찾기도 쉽고, 읽기에도 편하도록 심플한 디자인으로 집중력있게 읽을 수 있습니다. 내북마크, 내 메모, 내 형광펜 기능과 글자 색, 사이즈를 편하실대로 조정이 가능합니다. 조정한 글자

3.14 MB

Aplikasi ini berisi tentang kumpulan kata kata bijak basaha korea dan lengkap degan terjemahan bahasa indonesia , semoga bermanfaat . jagan lupa beri

4.17 MB

The application can conjugate all Spanish verbs at all tenses without Internet. It contains all the conjugation. If you misspell a verb, El Conjugador

3.1 MB

Alhamdulillah puji syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa Alloh SWT, akhirnya kami team developer google telah menyelesaikan aplikasi Terjemah Safinatun Na

2.95 MB

The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) CLINICAL CONFERENCE will provide state-of-the-art updates on research, care, and treatment issues in the medic

26.73 MB

Самые знаменитые сказки великого писателя. Ханс Кристиан Андерсен — датский прозаик и поэт, автор всемирно известных сказок для детей и взрослых: «Гад

6.51 MB

Meanings Of Dreams Free app has -10000 more interpreters of dreams -Fast search dictionary -Favorite dream list -Some science explanations -Very easy

6.87 MB
Russian English Translator best.translator

Free Russian English TranslatorTranslate text, word or sentence from Russian to English or from English to Russian language. This app can be used as a

1.11 MB

This is Khmer - Thai dictionary. The dictionary works offline, search is very fast, and the application has online social features. Dictionary databas

8.23 MB

You can learn PHP web programming Language step by step by this application. We have arranged these tutorials by analyzing various web site for easy w

5.33 MB

This is Bulgarian - Korean dictionary. The dictionary works offline, search is very fast, and the application has online social features. Dictionary d

8.23 MB

В приложении вы найдете утренние и вечерние молитвы, Правило ко Святому Причащению, а также основные Православные молитвы, необходимые верующему. Поми

25.26 MB

This is Italian - Albanian dictionary (Fjalor Italisht - Shqip). The dictionary works offline, search is very fast, and the application has online soc

8.23 MB