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STh lt 3.3

This application allows users to read, search by keywords, by parts, by treatises and by indexes a masterpiece of St. Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologic

4.6 MB

Avez-vous une question sur l'utilisation correcte du point-virgule ou comment placer les adverbes dans une phrase? Si oui, vous avez frappé à la bonne

4.87 MB

¿Tienes preguntas? La Biblia tiene respuestas. ¡Las encontraremos por ti! Esta aplicación tiene más de 1500 de nuestras preguntas más hechas sobre la

34.19 MB
Audio Bible 152.0

The Holy Bible in Audio MP3 Now you can listen to your Holy Bible on your mobile for free. With this application the Word of the Lord will be released

18.5 MB

O Santo Rosário é uma prática religiosa de devoção mariana muito difundida entre os católicos romanos, que o rezam tanto pública quanto individualment

15.88 MB
Kardecpedia 2.2.7

A Kardecpedia é uma plataforma interativa que facilita o estudo das obras de Allan Kardec, o fundador da Doutrina Espírita, ou Espiritismo. Palavra po

27.59 MB

최고의 시(詩)큐레이션 검색 서비스 시요일 APP에 오신 것을 환영합니다. ★43,000여편의 시 - 고시조부터 현대대표시ㆍ창비시선ㆍ동시ㆍ청소년시까지 모두 담은 앱 ★차별화된 큐레이션 - 시인들이 직접 엄선한 시를 배달하고 추천하는 큐레이션 기능 ★강력한 검색기능 -

65.67 MB

A collection of inspirational, love, self-control, kids and famous memory very to help you as you walk the christianity journey and help spread the go

3.37 MB
Lemma 3.5.1

Lemma – the app from Ordbogen, Denmark’s leading provider of online dictionaries. Get access to over 90 dictionaries in more than 40 languages. We com

4 MB
如来小说 1.2.7

海量书库,全网好小说,缤纷呈现; 追更神速,时时更新,轻松追书; 极致体验,引领全网,极致阅读; 热门小说,每日上新,分类齐全。 Massive library, good novels on the whole network, colorfully presented; Chasing mo

22.44 MB

Валютный Справочник Forex Directory

72.3 MB
dani books 6.472

Die offizielle dani-books-App für alle Fans und Kunden des Verlags! Mit der dani-books-App habt ihr per Smartphone jederzeit bequemen Zugriff auf alle

27.39 MB

'ஸ்ரீ ரங்கம்' என்றால் நினைவுக்கு வருவது காவேரி ஆறு, ஸ்ரீ ரங்க நாதர் கோவில், உச்சிப் பிள்ளையார். இது தவிர எழுத்தாளர் சுஜாதா. எண்ணற்ற சிறுகதைகளுக்கும்,

7.22 MB

As mais lindas mensagens bíblicas de oração, para edificação de todas as servas do Senhor e opção de compartilhamento via WhatsApp. Pedidos de Oração

18.83 MB

【溫馨提示】 您現在看的是最多用戶好評、最專業、最有代表性的八字算命排盤工具!輸入您的姓名,[八字排盤]馬上分析您的八字,看您流年風水運,還為你提供事業、性格、婚戀、養生等建議! 熱門問答: 問題一:【八字排盤】如何分析我的命運,我怎麼知道准不准? 答:【八字排盤】用天干、地支相配標出一個人出生的年

20.96 MB

* Filipino To English Translator And English To Filipino Translation is the most powerful translation tool on your android. translate any sentence or

5.16 MB

English to Sanskrit and Sanskrit to English dictionary with OFFLINE mode. You can search both English and Sanskrit words. Meaning of words are provide

4.63 MB

eBird Mobile makes it easy to record the birds you see in the field, and seamlessly link these observations with eBird--a global online database of bi

23.49 MB
DuckDuckGo 5.78.1

DuckDuckGo Search & Stories offers you a better way to search and a new take on Stories. • Search anonymously. • Find instantly. • Stay infor

12.89 MB

Somali English Dictionary offline and free. You can search both English and Somali words. You can search words directly from "Internet Browser" or ot

26.57 MB