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Essalamü aleyküm. Uygulamayı yükledikten sonra, uygulamanın ortasında boz renkte daire görüyorsanız ve kitaplar görünmüyorsa, bunu çözmek için Google

47.78 MB

English-Turkish translation is a fast translation of English and Turkish online, a good helper for tourism exchange The main function: 1. Turkish Engl

6.43 MB

Holy Bible in Amharic is an old Amharic bible translation highly popular among Orthodox, Protestant, Catholic Christians in Ethiopia. It’s also called

28.15 MB

Kitaaba 'Onnee Irraa Gara Onneetti' kan Application bilbila harkaatif tolfame. Barreessaan kitaabaa Umaralfaaruuq Sheek Aliyyii. - Rabbiin tokkoomsuu

19.67 MB

Госзаказ переходит на новые рельсы! Теперь Федеральный закон от 05.04.2013 N 44-ФЗ "О контрактной системе в сфере закупок товаров, работ, услуг для об

7.88 MB

پادکست، کتاب صوتی Find a podcast show. We make it easier for Persian speakers to find and listen. We got everything you want to hear LISTEN TO PODCAST

12.23 MB

Assalamu'alaikum, Dream Quran is per-page Quran application with Indonesian standart. Dream Quran equipped with full color tajwid guidance, daily targ

15.03 MB

King James Bible and sermons of William Branham available in over 30 languages. Read, search, and compare between languages. Cross reference from Bibl

4.77 MB

Редакція від 10.06.2021р. Програма українською мовою. В безкоштовній версії присутня реклама. ************************************************* Кримін

1.97 MB
AzBooks 4.0.3

"АzBooks" програмыг та УХААЛАГ гар утас болон таблет төхөөрөмжүүд дээр суулгаснаар гадаад, дотоодын зохиолчдын мянга мянган шилдэг зохиолуудаас сонгон

26.55 MB

Городское мобильное приложение, которое содержит разнообразную актуальную информацию о нашем городе: • самые свежие новости и происшествия, • абсолютн

51.66 MB

English Somali Translate application is perfect to translate texts fast in your phone or tablet. You can use a word, phrase or sentence for translatio

4.61 MB
City planning 80.91.30

The application contains a description of city planning.

15.29 MB

جلال‌الدین محمد بلخی معروف به مولوی و مولانا و رومی۶ ربیع‌الاول ۶۰۴ بلخ یا وخش، ۵ جمادی‌ الثانی ۶۷۲ هجری قمری قونیه، ۱۵ مهر ۵۸۶، ۴ دی ۶۵۲ هجری شمسی، ا

48.27 MB

In 1604, King James I of England authorized that a new translation of the Bible into English be started. It was finished in 1611, just 85 years after

25.03 MB

Download or steam over 180,000 amazing audiobooks on the go! Start listening to bestselling titles in fiction and non-fiction in seconds. Save big wit

4.63 MB

Ethiopian Love SMS ፍቅርን በውብ ቃላት Amharic Love SMS This is a love sms by Amharic Language (Ethiopia Language). The app is easy to use and simple for all

10.17 MB

The free offline Botany dictionary application explains the meaning of Botany words Download the largest Botany dictionary with over lakhs of Botany w

5.28 MB

Companies Act 2013 is now available at the touch of your finger tips. Key features: 1. Complete act in Offline mode 2. Act divided into chapters and s

12.47 MB
Oxford Areal 2.8.3

Oxford Areal is an augmented reality app which brings the power of visual search in your hands via an easy-to-use interface. 1. Download the Oxford Ar

77.65 MB