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共 294712 个APK 下载 最新版本
新华字典 5.12.21

■安卓第一本离线字典。 ·离线查询·界面简洁·使用方便·繁体支持 ·完整收录国标(GBK)汉字21003个 ·汉字、拼音、部首、笔画、五笔、笔划多种查询方式■使用小贴士: ①.笔顺编号对照:1-横、2-竖、3-撇、4-捺、5-折. ②.长按解释内容可以反查解释中的生字. ③.简繁体和配色

3.44 MB
Music DNA 1.2.0

A Music Player like no other.MusicDNA is a full featured Music Player that combines the usefulness of a clean traditional music player with amazing vi

6.04 MB
NetCounter 0.14.1

NetCounter is a simple network traffic counter for EDGE/3G and Wi-Fi. It shows your data usage. Data are persistent and you can set the counters (mont

213.98 KB
million moments

*** million moments has achieved one "million" downloads at Google Play market! ***Pictures pile up on your smartphone. Don’t let your cherished memor

7.63 MB

应用描述: 用户体验最好的新房搜寻应用——安居客 新房Android 4.6,重磅上线! “安居客 新房”(原“爱房”App)现已开通24个大中城市,覆盖了全国90%的新房房源,超过5000套新盘正在出售。特色功能: 1、地图找房:让你走到哪找到哪,周围新房都知道,还可轻松查找出行路线。 2

4.04 MB

9.69 MB

WARNINGThe set of icons is still in development and has been insipired from Samsung Good Lock/Pixel Launcher.You can request new icons thorught the se

10.77 MB
Minimal 1.4.0

Creative! Minimal! Colourful!Best ever minimal theme for android devices with one of the largest icon database in this category.DESIGNED FOR XHDPI. YO

24.71 MB
DU Tube 3.6.7

Check out this awesome app for watching hot& awesome videos! DU Tube, the super hottest video app has mademillions of users already fall in love

6.43 MB
Defumblr 1.4.2

Defumblr is a smart lock screen that that puts the most useful information, resources and apps at your fingertips, without ever needing to unlock your

9.61 MB
Iconix 1.0

ICONIX UIMinimalist icon pack. An Evolution to successful Iconic theme***Now FREE for Limited time only!!!***FEATURES• More than 300+ HD icons• Univer

11.4 MB

VIP账号神器是一款获取各大视频网站免费会员帐号软件,所有Vip账号均可用,每天不定时更新N个账号。视使用人数而定,使用人数越多,更新账号越多越频繁。请大家不要更改密码,谢谢合作!获取后免费看大片! VIP账号神器常见问题: 问:具体都提供有哪些账号呢? 答:迅雷,爱奇艺,优酷,乐视,好莱坞,PPT

11.16 MB

This is a patch software of Voice Comander and only for HTC One 4.4.2 in Canada.

3.94 MB
sky 1.0.1

Xperia™ themes makes your Sony device truly personal.Download exclusive themes

1.53 MB

Xperia Motion Snap is a live wallpaper application provided by Sony Mobile Communications, Inc., It allows you to enjoy a repeated video as a live wal

2.97 MB

659.25 KB

Angry at your Angry Birds games? Unlock your birds will unlock ALL features of the game: *** Unlock ALL golden eggs in Angry Birds and Angry Birds

2.74 MB
WePhotos 2.0

1.25 MB

Get the new Android™ 6.0 Marshmallow Wallpapers on any device! This app includes 12 high definition stock wallpapers extracted from the latest Androi

18.31 MB
BeNote 2.0.4

The next era of BeNote is here! Beside a novel fresh visible map, carry for phones moreover pills moreover numerous betterments. How plenty is it w

984.59 KB