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共 294710 個APK 下載 最新版本

Slash, shoot and explode your way through hordes of Zombies!The BEST Zombie Slashing game on the App Store! All your favorite action gameplay plus Gor

19.53 MB

Shift tracker is the best way for shift workers to keep track of hours worked and money earned. The app allows you to:✔ Schedule upcoming shifts. (Up

2.77 MB
iCircuit 1.8

iCircuit is a fun and educational app for designing and experimenting with circuits. Its advanced simulation engine can handle both analog and digital

11.86 MB
锁屏 2.0

29.43 KB
WAKE UP 1.1.3

  UNIQLO WAKE UP is an innovative new social alarm app that aims to make waking up every day an enjoyable experience. The alarm music, which is autom

15.57 MB
V快递 3.0.0

16.01 MB
京东HD 1.2.0

京东网上商城是中国最大的综合网购平台, 正品行货, 机打发票, 售后上门取件, 省钱又放心。商品品类覆盖家电、数码通讯、电脑、家居百货、服装服饰、母婴、图书、食品等12大类数万个品牌超百万种优质商品, 是网购用户首选。 京东商城Android Pad版是一款基于Android平台的网络购物软件,不

3.19 MB

A small, on-demand app that will save any Gmail attachment to the SD card and view it from there. HOW: Preview the attachment in the Gmail app (2.3.4

84.11 KB
京致衣橱 5.1.120

15.63 MB
Send! Pro 2.0.2

The easiest way to send photos, music or videos offline to other Android devices!"I highly recommend it to everyone, and I give it a 9 out of 10!" - O

4.09 MB
Weather BZ 5.0.0

Приложение погоды с широкими возможностями:- Обновление по расписанию- Прогноз на 7 дней плюс текущий подробный и почасовой- Возможность отключения об

5.97 MB

A very simple app that turns your screen on for a specified period time when you get a notification. Optionally if your device is in your pocket or th

5.27 MB

600.52 KB

1.7 MB
CPU Awake 2.1

With Wake lock no more deep sleep problems:CPU Awake Wake Lock will stop your phone going to sleep mode. This is useful, reliable wake lock app when b

2.63 MB
西祠胡同 3.4.1

9.64 MB
ezPDF Clear

*** Unidocs News ***Introducing a new PDF application from Unidocs - Cup! Clip a portion of PDF page, Append to a PDF, or scrap on PDF page. Search

14.14 MB
Circly 2.40

Circly is different from the others, because it's not designed around the Marshmallow palette. The round shape and the subtle shadow, that adapt perfe

35.71 MB
TED Air 1.0.121206

The "MUST-HAVE" app for the enlightened public, enjoy TED speeches with "TED Air" and share it with friends. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment

493.81 KB

New Feature: Floating Tab is released Boat Browser for Tablet is a fast, smart and cool android web browser designed especially for tablet and large

7.25 MB